Patent Pending

United States Patent and Trademark Office
FILING or 371(c) DATE: 11/06/2018
Inventor(s): Justin McDonald Coslor, Bellingham, WA
Applicant(s): Justin McDonald Coslor, Bellingham, WA
Title: Map Quadrant System

The Map Quadrant System is Patent Pending, venture capital needed.
Please contact me if interested. I think my Map Quadrant System ideas
can help your company/agency/department/organization if it uses maps
or coordinates and it can be used as a simplified user interface to
any form of Global Positioning System. I look forward to hearing from
you for a business quote to license the idea. The GPS industry is a
huge industry and it can be improved with my innovation. It uses far
less symbols than GPS, it is eye-ballable, it can be represented as a
bar-code, and can locate any place on Earth or in microscopy or in
astronomy for which there is a map. Thank you.

Justin Coslor
2055 Fraser St., Apt. 302
Bellingham, WA 98229

j u s t i n c o s l o r @ g m a i l . c o m

Justin Coslor
Last modified: Sun Dec 23 17:20:58 EST 2018