------------------- 12/18/2011 Justin Coslor -- Knot Theory Ideas Perhaps Knot Theory models could be computed by treating the string as a numberline, and mark its intersections (crossings) and loops or angle changes (of various radiuses) along the numberline representation, similar to a timeline. In that manner, large knots are made out of combinations of smaller knots that occur in a series (one after another) along the string numberline, *similar to how various prime numbers or prime number equations occur in series when representing a computer file or hard drive as a single gigantic number. (*Note: for that kind of prime substitution data compression the prime ordering could skip over the first 10,000 or so prime number orderings such that the 10,001 prime number is represented by the number 1, and so on since the first however-many small prime numbers substituted for their ordering numbers do not provide a smaller representation, because they need to make accomodations for the syntax markers ("p" and ",").) Some knots when laid flat on a table look like the same knot but are opposites such that when flipped over they look the same from both sides, while other knot pairs look different when one is flipped. Those could be called equivalents or mirrors. The Knot Theory numberline representation technique could be applied to many other topics such as alternative route mathematics, and terrestrial/aquatic/aerial/space navigation, and can represent curvatures as straight lines. Besides navigation, knots are related to the shape of time. In navigation there are an infinite number of different velocity models for every knot theory numberline model (i.e. speed up here, slow down here, speed up some more here, etc, in various ways but in the same space knotwork path). -------------------