Justin Coslor October 21, 2019 E=STM so T=E/SM. Energy=Space*Time*Matter so Time=Energy/Space*Matter. I don't know, maybe something like that. 8 Years Ago Justin Coslor October 21, 2011 I wonder if there is a thing like Ohm's Law but for timelines and time travel? It seems like timelines are like circuits, and there might be some basic logic about how events emerge as timelines join and drift apart. Justin Coslor July 2019 Numerator = Input and Denominator = Output. So, input Energy and output it in Space and the result is Matter*Time. Or, Time is when Energy patterns are inputted into a composite of Matter connected with Space. Justin Coslor November 2019 E=STM so E/M=ST meaning: Input Energy and Output Matter and the result is Space*Time. Justin Coslor September 13, 2020 Matter*Time = Rotation Space = Potential For Motion Energy=Rotation*Space Energy=Rotation within Potential For Motion Matter=Rotation over Time Rotation=Energy/Space