Go to HP Solution Center program and scan in an image in grayscale 150 dots per inch and advanced settings: sharpen -- and then crop the image and save it in the "C:\Users\admin\Pictures\My Scans\" folder and edit each scan file name with the date + file creator (me) + brief-description + extention format. In this procedure replace the .jpg files listed below with whatever file names you would like to upload. cd C:\Users\admin\Pictures\My Scans\ "c:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\pscp" 20170712-alternatives-to-https.jpg 20170713CoslorJustinM-ASCII-Cube-Encryption-Update.jpg 20170713CoslorJustinM-ASCII-Cube-Encryption-Visualization.jpg justin@picform.org:/var/www/ cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe" SSH Host Name: justin@picform.org password: Go here: cd /var/www/ pico index.html add the following lines:


^X save as index.html chmod each new file you uploaded/updated in this manner: chmod a+rx 20170712-alternatives-to-https.jpg chmod a+rx index.html In a web browser open up http://picform.org and click on the files uploaded that you added to the picform.org homepage to make sure that they load correctly and that the text on picform.org representing each looks good. Do that for each file uploaded (swap out the appropriate filename for each). exit (Putty SSH disconnects from picform.org) close Putty Double check the picform.org website in the web browser, then back up each new picform.org file you uploaded by going to this address https://web.archive.org and enter http://picform.org in the "Save Page Now" blank. Then click on the new links/files that you posted to the World Wide Web at http://picform.org. Their other link to the wayback machine is http://archive.org/web/ then test the new links for picform.org on https://web.archive.org/web/*/picform.org and click on the most recent date highlighted. Then HAVE A NICE DAY!