(C) Copyright 5/14/2009 Justin Coslor "Anaglyph On The Squad Car" - Perhaps the red and blue rotating lights on police cars is a form of three dimensional video mapping of the immediate area by videoing both the red lit surface area and the blue lit surface area and then plugging those angles in offset somewhat at an angle from each other to do stereoscopic vision (depth perception) by making a video and wireframe image map that is viewable using red and blue lense anaglyph glasses like those used in 3D comic books and 3D movies in theaters. However those lights can be seen from a very far distance because they use active sensing, and perhaps a more gentle and inconspicuous approach to doing a similar form of mapping would be to beam infrared lights and ultraviolet lights, which in postprocessing could be converted into the visible range of the red and blue spectrums which would then be visible in 3D stereoscopic vision using anaglyph glasses.