"A Letter to a Friend about the Universe" Justin Coslor There is a great book your kids might like called: "Mathematical Encyclopedia A Made Simple Book" by Max Shapiro Executive Editor. My uncle gave me a copy when I was a kid and quite a few years ago I noticed that it also has the equation for a helix spiral. The side view shadow on the wall is Sinusoidal, the top view shadow on the floor with the timeline through the center going forward is Cosine, and Sine and Cosine graphed simultaneously through all points in time makes a helix spiral. The Diameter of the circular rotation as time passes is the Amplitude, and the Periodicity as it goes around from peak to peak is the Frequency. Also, energy is eternal and does not move and is at the center and around the Universe like around a bubble with a point simulated in the center that also never moves for the Universe to move around and simulate plurality becoming the many, though space does move because it is potential for motion and time is a function of motion and the Numerator is the Input and the Denominator is the Output like Patterns in Context(s) and compressed space from rotation motion is matter and has a gravitational effect that pushes when it slows and expands and pulls where it is compressed from internal rotations and flows neutral where the matrix lines are steady. Three points make for a stable rotation in parallel to one as three connected to two connected to one representing time. Two means pair or parallel or a set of base 2, with exponents as how many symmetrical dimensions the base is in, such as 2^3 = 2 connected to 2 connected to 2 as a pair of pairs of pairs. Happy birthday to you tomorrow. Justin Coslor 6/23/12020 Holocene Era of the Phanerozoic Epoch of the Quaternary Period in the Milky Way Galaxy in the Virgo Supercluster in the the Laniakea Group of Superclusters, many of which could be in the visible Universe. A set cannot accurately map its power-set yet maybe objects rotate because the matter in the Universe rotates because it is made of space rotationally compressed. Two questions for the ages could be "Why do objects rotate?" and "What is a number?". Think "Decimal Expansion" from 15-127 Modern Math Classical Algebra by Gilbert and Vanstone University of Waterloo Press on that one as the power of subtlety of God in fraction space of one, with 10^0 being the point and to the left of it fusion space of the greatness of God adding whole numbers from the infinity beyond towards one at the point and fraction space adding towards the one at the center. As infinitely large proportionally connected to infinitely small equals One (Eternal). The prime numbers are the balance points in the Universe.