20200623CoslorJustinM--Map-Quadrant-System-Prime-Composite-Toggle-Flag-Reversal.txt Andy, I need to know my password or have it changed with you over the phone (without actually saying it outright) for justin@picform.org. In Putty pscp it says that justin@picform.org connects to justin@central.frdcsa.org but my password attempts were incorrect so I will just put it through that other way as discussed. Thanks. Also, I can pay you some, you name the amount, to do the prime number composition toggle flags on the Map Quadrant System as I described to you in a previous email a few weeks or months ago, described in more depth than in my World Map Quadrant System paper scan example. Remember that with a prime number sieve you start out with the smallest prime number to check for divisibility with the Mod (modulus modulo) remainder test to see if it is whole number divisible without a remainder thus a prime factor, and test each larger and larger prime number up from that up until no larger than the square root of the number being factored to find all of its prime factors. The prime factors contained in the composite number are a self-ordering system to backtrack their base four toggle flags and thus the ordering of the Map Quadrant System Letter String choices in their natural order. Copyright 06/23/2020 Justin Coslor -- Map Quadrant System Prime Number Base Four Toggle Flags for ABCD or 1234 Natural Number Composite Symbol Ordering Reversal. ---------------------- Map Quadrant System Prime Numberline Toggle Flags Composite, and mobile phone bill paid for Mom, You, and I Justin Coslor Fri, Jun 5, 4:43 PM to Andrew Greetings Andy! So the bill for you $25 paid by my Mom, and the bill for me $25 paid by my Mom, and the bill for her $25 for the mobile phones has been paid today. Just thought I would let you know. Maybe one of the Sonic the Hedgehog games is multiplayer that we could play together over the internet, or another game? I looked up the 3900x processor and it looks like it is the most advanced high end pc gamer chipset available on the market today. Maybe we could make a symmetry and precision game about visualizing exponents as that many symmetrical dimensions such as from "the first 1000 unit branch connections" and combinatorics of spheres in 3D+ space, incorporating the connections of prime and composite Natural numbers connected to each other and connected to one from largest prime to smallest prime connected to one symmetrically, as the balance points in the Universe. Also, I was hoping that maybe you could download a list of the first 100 prime numbers to represent 25 map quadrant letter string symbols in groups of four prime numbers (in regard to A, B, C, D) along the prime number line starting with one of the group 2,3,5,7 for the first quadrant choice of one of A,B,C,D, and one from the next group of four for the next choice and so on up to the 100th prime number for the first 25 Map Quadrant System letter string symbols, which is where the imagery seems to tap out at as approximately a one meter by one meter box or rectangle of quadrants within quadrants from the final atlas zoom page being at about 19 symbols. That way all of the chosen quadrants would be represented by a self-ordering sequence of prime numbers that get multiplied together (25 prime numbers multiplied together, none of which will be any larger than the 100th prime number on the prime number line) as a single composite Natural number that gets factored into its original sequence of prime numbers representing the sequence in reverse of the letters chosen to zoom in on, each only needing to test factor up to the square root of the number being considered for primality testing. A test box on the Map Quadrant System Demo webpage that does the prime number stuff and shows the composite that can be later factored into its ABCD primeline toggle flags or entered as a composite to factor out a letter string into the letter string box for a quick update to see a direct pre-processed ABCD zoom path route. A = Upper Left, B = Upper Right, C = Lower Left, D = Lower Right. Or with numbers (though producing a different barcode) A,B,C,D = 1,2,3,4. See the my original write-up of the Demo for clarity: AADCDACADBDADBACDDCDDDCCC ---------------------- http://picform.org/maps/ http://picform.org/20170317CoslorJustinM--World_Map_Quadrant_System.jpg 6/5/2020 justincoslor@gmail.com JUSTIN M COSLOR 2055 FRASER ST APT 302 BELLINGHAM, WA 98229 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA picform.org/maps/ AADCDACADBDADBCABBABBADBD ---------------------- 20200623CoslorJustinM--Map-Quadrant-System-Prime-Composite-Toggle-Flag-Reversal.txt