Copyright 1/16/2020 Justin Coslor -- UNICODE TOGGLE FLAG ENCRYPTION -- Unicode Toggle Flag Encryption (instead of ASCII Cube Encryption) could be a 1114112 symbol hash-table cube made out of [10*10*11] hash table cubes, as the X,Y,Z cube of cubes with each individual cube being [10*10*11] symbols in its [X*Y*Z] to succinctly represent Unicode symbols using Toggle Flags. This means that any of the 1100*1100 symbols can individually be represented by [10+10+11]+[10+10+11] = within 62 sequential prime toggle flag numbers. It has the benefit of extending Unicode from 1114112 symbols to 1210000 symbols. The 62nd prime number is 293 and that isn't really all that large, so this would be quite succinct. So what I am saying is that each of 1210000 symbols of Unicode can be represented by just 6 out of 62 possible sequential prime toggle flag numbers. Each Unicode symbol is represented by six small prime numbers. Copyright 2/17/2020 Justin Coslor -- UNICODE TOGGLE FLAG ENCRYPTION Continued -- Each Cube is populated with the randomized UNICODE hash table from top back left to front bottom right as (X,Y,Z), and then onto the next cube in the cube of cubes populated with the next sequence of the remaining UNICODE hash table, and it does this from the cube in the top back left to the bottom front right for the larger scale (X,Y,Z), and each message symbol is where all six numbers intersect. To decrypt the message symbols simply populate the cube of cubes with the appropriate randomized UNICODE hash table, then input the large cube of cube primeline toggle flag numbers from largest to smallest in the reverse order from bottom front right cube as (Z,Y,X) followed by the (Z,Y,X) intersection of the small cube at the intersection of the cube of cubes. The resulting UNICODE symbol at the small (X,Y,Z) intersection of (X,Y,Z) intersecting cubes is the next decrypted symbol of the original encrypted message. Repeat this procedure to decrypt the whole file. Consider randomizing the UNICODE hash table ordering every 1000 symbols (or more), which is about one page of text, and store those orderings separely from the large and small X's, Y's, and Z's. Also consider storing all of the large and small X's separately from the large and small Y's and separately from the large and small Z's. That way all of the seven separate pieces are necessary to decrypt any symbol in the encrypted message. Only six small prime numbers and the hash table ordering are necessary to indicate the location of any particular UNICODE symbol, and there are blank slots available for future UNICODE expansion. After each symbol is encoded or decoded the primeline toggle flag system starts over again at the start of the primeline, and the symbols are processed from the current symbol to the next to the next to the next and so on until finished. This system is basically a six dimensional scratchpad encryption with a set of randomized hash table orderings.