Map Route System using primes For plotting a point to point route from a list of thousands of cities (or stars in space), partition the primeline into packets of twelve or more toggle flag primes to binary bit numbers that sequentially mark the route from an ordered list of destinations that each have a unique number to reference them by. This is succinct for very large lists of ordered destinations or stacks of items such as library books, and since primes preserve orderings they can be conveniently multiplied together into a single large composite number, and that number is similar to data compression and encryption. The composite number can be uploaded or downloaded from computer to computer, and it can be factored with a prime number sieve, and processed into primeline packets, then into binary numbers then composite numbers that each represent a numbered city on a map, a numbered item such as a library book, or star chart list, or other uses. A "primeline" is a list or numberline whose units are sequential prime numbers. A prime number is an Integer that is only divisible by one and its self. (C) Copyright 10/3/2015 Justin Coslor License: Friendly Intelligence License, Universally Free for all uses that do not treat anyone badly. JMC 10/3/2015 P.S.: A toggle flag is when a primeline packet gets converted into ones and zeros (binary exponents), such that within a primeline packet a "one" is when any particular prime shows up in its packet and a "zero" is when any particular prime does not show up in the primeline packet that is supposed to contain it. It is similar to DIP Switches on the back of some modems such that up equals a one and down equals a zero, and together they form a binary number. JMC 10/3/2015 Justin Coslor 10/5/2015 Maybe it could be used by the postal system, airports, pizza delivery service, cataloging and sorting bar-coded inventory, TCP/IP address routing, bank routing number visualization, cellphone mapping, smartphone apps, Global Positioning System tools, surveyors, and travel/shipping train/bus station route itineraries. Whatever use as long as it is not used to treat anyone badly. Justin Coslor 10/9/2015 If a route of nodes is already known, such as postal route nodes or a sequence of websites visited that could potentially be visited more succinctly geographically speaking, or known TCP/IP addresses that have been connected to in some order, then a node order list can be represented by a small serial number (one for each node or even one for each list of lists, etc) that can be re-arranged easily by referencing the serial numbers, and that way a prime packet toggle flag sequence can be created succinctly out of primes similar to a hash table in computer programming. The composite number from multiplying the primes together that show up in each packet can be augmented to add a new node to the end of the list by multiplying another prime toggle flag packet that has been labeled with a base ten serial number and encoded into binary then prime toggle flag numbers. Also, that can be used to re-visit any previously visited node by copying its prime toggle flag packet to the end of the list and multiply its primes with the composite number. That can also be used with some clever scripting (such assigning serial numbers for various lists of lists) to create go-to loops of prime toggle flag node sequences, and also it can be used to connect the composite of one list of nodes with the composite of another list of nodes by shifting the next composite number's prime toggle flag packet locations on the primeline to just after the previous composite's farthest packet, while at the same time preserving the base 10 number and it's binary equivalent for each packet. A new composite number can then exist that contains the numerical contents of both and in their proper order, simply by multiplying all of both packet's prime contents, that can be succinctly uploaded or downloaded and converted into the equivalent list of serial numbers (that each represent something somewhere) when needed. The serial numbers do not need to be named in numerical order, but they do need to be located on the list in the desired order. Justin M Coslor 10/9/2015 Friendly Intelligence Licensed: do whatever you want with it, even sell applications that modify it or use it, except do not weaponize it since that could potentially empower pirates and terrorists and contribute to wars. In other words: Universally Free for all uses that do not treat anyone badly. That goes for this whole set of ideas related to Prime Number Toggle Flags that I have written about and updated. Knowledge as Patterns In Contexts. Thinking as storing and grouping Knowledge. Lists and lists of lists can be used to group Knowledge. Thinking as storing and grouping Patterns In Contexts using lists of lists. Lists and their items can be somewhat numbered. Context is like the setting in a story, made of a network of Patterns. Patterns are anything literally or geometrically or otherwise detectable or noticeable such as by symmetry and repetition and numbered overlap in Possibility Space. Justin Coslor 10/9/2015 (FIL) Justin Coslor 10/17/2015 Maybe Sequential Primeline Packets of Binary Toggle Flags of Base Ten Numbers of item/location serial numbers represented in lists and lists of lists can be scripted to do loops. After I thought of the original idea, someone suggested that it could be used as an isomorphism of computer science. Therefore it must necessarily be free to use ethically such as with the Friendly Intelligence License. Also, maybe a kind of Turing Machine could be built or simulated that uses prime number packets instead of binary numbers. If someone locked down computer architectures and operating systems and languages and software, etc, with patents or agreements, this could be in place to keep computer science free and accessible to anyone, to design, build apon, and create with. Justin Coslor 11/2/2015 A blank primeline packet could indicate a halt, or a parallel processing branch node, or a *blank packet followed by another packet can be used to indicate any operator or subroutine or syntax from a long numbered list of possibilities to suffix the previous list or prefix the next list. Primeline packets that are processed sequentially are lists. Lists can be named by assigning each list a number. Lists can be called by their number. Some operations require not only a number reference after a blank packet, but also an argument number reference, such as how many times to loop a sequence. *See Coslor, Justin M. "One button programmable computer" 12/20/2010 Justin Coslor 11/3/2015 "Primeline Packet Lists" can be easily identified by looking at the program's composite number. Also it would be easy to encrypt a program by re-arranging the numbers or re-numbering them. Justin Coslor 11/9/2015 Paging and Halting and ASCII To keep the prime numbers from getting too large, use paging. So after using the first thousand or so prime numbers, suffix the last packet on the page with the identification number of the next page of numbers to connect it to so that there are never more than the first 1024 or so prime numbers ever being used. Also, each composite number could represent one page of code, and their identification numbers are arranged in a list designating their order of arrangement. It would also be good to prefix each one page composite with its own unique identification number followed by the identfication number of the composite page that came before it, possibly also followed by a date stamp, and suffix each one page composite number with the next one page composite that connects to it next. Also if an empty packet is a halt, then when the number zero is needed it could be represented by a halt followed by a particular hash/subroutine/operator/reference number that proclaims that a zero goes there rather than a standard halt followed by an operation reference code. Also more functionality could exist from a double halt, such as to switch to a different computer program, or a triple halt to turn the machine on or off. To do ascii, just have a halt followed by a "start ascii" code followed by however many ascii hash table packets of ascii you desire to represent, followed by a halt followed by a "stop ascii" code, similar to putting quotes or parenthesis around a string of ascii symbols.