9/2/2010 Justin Coslor Midpoint Divisor Test For Sequential Prime Number Spacings Prototype Code Version 3 ----------------------------------------------------- If p2 % 5 = 0 then print p2 is not prime, and try p2 + 2 // I'm not sure how to code that first line, but it is important. // It needs to filter out odd multiples of 5 as non-prime throughout. for n = 0 to 100 while twinprime test is true, set p1 = p2, test p2+2, loop this line. if svoid test is false then if odd odd test is true then set p1 = p2 and return to while else if even odd test is true then set p1 = p2 and return to while endif if svoid test is true then print svoid test positive and set p1 = p2 n = n + 1 repeat for loop ----------------------------------------------------- // Filter out odd number multiples of five, because they are not prime. // After each test print p1,p2,s,m,divisors,n,etc. note: m = midpoint and s = spacing note: twinprime means s = 1 [m = 6 % 0 (m divisible by 6)] note: svoid test means s = 11 + 12n [m has no common divisors] note: odd odd test means s = 3 + 4n [m = 3 % 0 (m divisible by 3)] note: even odd test means s = 5 + 4n [m = 2 % 0 (m divisible by 2)] note: svoid = odd odd [but m has no common midpoint divisors]