C.JPG Circle = Rotation = Time = Line

Angstrom-Wavelengths-In-Terms-Of-C-Equals-C-2021-10-11.jpg 258 KB

C-Equals-C-Square-2021-10-11-to-2021-10-12.jpg 404 KB

C-Equals-C-Wavelengths-2021-10-12.jpg 481 KB

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Justin-Coslor-C-Equals-C-Waveform-Geometry.jpg 34 KB

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When Time is Constant then Rotation is Constant.

20210316-Justin_Coslor-Notes_on_Newton_PRINCIPIA.jpg 336 KB





9/28/2021 Justin Coslor -- Division --

"There are many ways to represent fractions" - GOD

Points can divide lines.
Lines can divide planes.
Planes can divide volumes.

A plane is different from a surface area because a plane exists on its own
with no thickness, while a surface area is connected to a volume so it has
thickness as a topological layer but the inverse of a volume has
tomographic surface area and thickness.


Each whole shape is itself and is thus made of itself and so it has a
An object has internal dimensionality.
Can you think of anything that does not have internal dimensionality?
Some dimensions are qualitative and some dimensions are quantitative.
Can you think of anything that does not have qualitative or quantitative


10/21/2021 Justin Coslor -- Geometry --

The most basic constructs of geometry seem to be about constants and
variables in relations such as circumference as a constant length and
and a variable diameter connecting two points across an area to be
represented. Constants and variables seem to exist as connections and
divisions of qualitative and quantitative dimensions, such that qualitative
dimensions quite often are about connections, and quantitative dimensions
seem to be about the calculation of connections amongst operators as
divisons both with operator junction locations such as points and
contextual relationships such as equality and implication. From such
simple constructs and their representation we can arrive at self-contained
logic and continuous math and we can often represent it with a procedure
and give it a handle such as an equation or formula or name. Visualization
and sequences of thought language make this possible.


9/28/2021 Justin Coslor -- Truth --
All truth is but an approximation of a deeper truth. There are many forms
of understanding, and truth, meaning, and reasoning are some of them; and
also calculation, insight, comprehension, thinking beyond mimicry,
introspection, analysis, creative modeling, answer questing in possibility
space, shared agreement, alternative contextualization, and no doubt many
more. There is often many more than one right answer. If something is false
it might be partially or entirely true in another way and even a verifyably
false answer is another form of truth because it is something that can be
known. A practical use for a verifyably false answer is in using the
verification system to determine ways of proving that a particular number
is not prime.


9/28/2021 Justin Coslor -- Ideas and People --
What I do in coming up with ideas is valuable even though it rarely turns
my hours into barter tokens. While currency, for equitable transactions
that represent honest agreements that are mutually beneficial to everyone
involved, can often be exchanged for goods and services, though it has no
real value. Stuff is more important than currency and people far are more
important than stuff so people are far more important than currency, and
so are ideas because there would be no stuff without ideas and people need
ideas to create with, and to solve their problems honestly. Ideas are tools
and tools are valuable to people.


Justin Coslor 10/31/2021 Love

I will always love those that I have had love for in my life. I will always treasure that and hope I never lose those memories.


10/5/2021 Collaboration
A million fingers typing away.
One-Hundred-Thousand people collaborating.

10/6/2021 Questions
A question is how we approach the unknown.

11/11/2021 Possibility Space
With everything I read or otherwise explore, it is a journey through possibility space. To stay on the positive path of knowing right from wrong learn what to do rather than what not to do.


One of the uses of prime numbers is to break down a whole number into the smallest whole number pieces that were multiplied together to equal a whole composite number and to build them back up to put the pieces back together or in a different way. All from ONE and ONE in All.


I believe that something always connects to a division.


If a number of objects can be sorted into groups that can be aligned
with no remainder then it is not a prime number of objects.

If a number of objects sorted into groups always have a remainder then
it is a prime number of objects.
11/29/2021 Justin Coslor -- Prime Numbers Of Objects


If you would like to donate my address is at the bottom, and my telephone number is 1-360-734-1936. Also you can donate to Andrew Dougherty of and Douglas Miles of Thinking ahead here, in the future I may need a reliable vehicle and a home and funding. Andrew Dougherty and Douglas Miles may also need that, and they are very talented programmers. Use your long-term-thinking resources.


When something signifigant happens GOD stays with them so that it turns out well. That is the basis of Creation. The simple solution to all conflict is for everyone to stop treating anyone badly. Treat everyone well. Do good. Trust Love.

Justin Coslor born in 1980

"Prime Numbers are the balance points in the UNIVERSE."


Justin Coslor 10/29/2021 -- Human Life -- Every human life is ever so valuable because it represents an entire lifetime, and we make each other special by what we do and how we treat each other. We all have a choice in what we do and in how we treat each other. We need to remember that every life is much more valuable than how it seems in the present moment or on the surface or as seen from far away. Only make life decisions one on one in person, otherwise it is inhumane and so inconsiderately short-sided that it has no place in our body of decisions in positive ability space beyond the present moment in the thoughts and memories and guesses of compassionate possibility thinking that carry us through unconscious transitions between moments of clarity and essential progressions of awareness and the true life inspiring insights that define us in the unknown and brings out our finest qualities and enhances our daily lives.

Every even number makes its primes countable.

PRIME NUMBERS: A prime number is a number that has no divisors before it such that the number is prime if the division by numbers before it always produces a remainder. When dividing by one a number always equals itself so we ignore one when doing a primality test. When a division equation equals one we can flip the numerator with the denominator using natural numbers because they begin with one. Prime Numbers are in the natural number system. When we begin with zero it is the positive integers and the numerator does not flip with the denominator because it is not possible to divide by nothing at all to represent a finite number so the equation always equals zero. When dividing a natural number by zero the other side of the equation has an infinite number of divisions and that is too scattered to count. 7/26/2021

The number 1 is a balance not a divisor.


If it can be represented one dimensionally in more than one way
it is not prime, otherwise it is prime if it conforms to a
one dimensional prime number sieve.
Justin Coslor 2/24/2021 My Drive MATH 01_MATH_HANDED_DOWN

2/22/2021 Justin Coslor Natural Numbers and When They Are Prime
When any whole number can be represented in more than one way
with symmetry and precision, then it is not prime.
Otherwise, it is prime.
2/23/2021 Justin Coslor -- As in a one dimensional prime number sieve.

The exponent is how many dimensions that the base is in. For example, zero dimensional = a point = 1.
1=the Beginning Point of the continuous path of MATH, as far as the experiment goes, the absolute value of ONE.
4=2 + 2=nonprime
6=3 + 3=nonprime
8=4 + 4=nonprime
10=5 + 5=nonprime

If a prime is needed somewhere
to divide or connect the Universe
it will need a prime mirrored of itself
with ONE in the center
for Continuous Natural Eternity
because GOD said Primes Divide
The UNIVERSE and Connect

2-3-5-7-11-13-17-19-by-Justin-Coslor-2021-10-15.jpg 198 KB

Whole Numbers are Natural Numbers.
Small numbers get used far more than larger numbers, especially towards the beginning.
"I Use Whole Numbers just as much as large numbers" GOD

If a whole number is not prime then it is made of primes connected (a Composite Number).
The Numerator of a division (numerator/denominator) or ratio (numerator:denominator) is the Input.
The Denominator of a division or ratio is the Output. The Pattern balanced by the Support in the Context of 1.

Set the rules, and the game is consistent. Change the rules
and it is something else.


Video Clip: 1:58 20200811CoslorJustinM-Epistemology
Video Clip: 0:25 20200811CoslorJustinM-Seven_Kinds_of_Truth
Video Clip: 1:24 20200811CoslorJustinM-Matter_As_Space_That_Rotates

On a twenty four hour
rotational clock the hour
hand represents what direction
up is across the galaxy
as the planet rotates in
regard to where that person
is at as though there was
a huge rotational twenty four
direction clock face above
the galaxy itself.
Friendly Intelligence License:
Universally free everywhere
forever for all use that
does not treat anyone badly.
Do no harm.


8/10/2020 Justin Coslor -- Science Questions --
3. Why do objects rotate?
2. Is matter space that rotates?
1. Does space rotate, and if so why?

Any number or numerical expression
set to the exponent zero
then equals one. This is because
zero means infinitely small
and an exponent represents how
many dimensions symmetrically
that the base is in. So a number
or numerical expression made infinitely small
(zero dimensional) symmetrically in its exponent
becomes one, like the event horizon
of a black hole, a singularity that
connects it to the beginning, and
one is the beginning and it does not
move. One means all one thing: energy.


20151225_Sine_and_Cosine_Postulate-by-Justin_Coslor.jpg 137 KB
Prime_Water.jpg 334 KB


8/5/2020 and 8/26/2020 Justin Coslor -- the center of the bubble --
. . . The center of the universe is different from the center of the bubble
that the Universe exists in. Beyond the bubble is an Infinity of pure
energy that has no space in it and does not move, it is literally all
one thing: energy. I have come to believe that energy does not move, but
for many years now I have realized that "space" does move and is by
definition "potential for motion". Thus objects are made of space that
moves and the most common form of motion is rotation where space is at
least somewhat curved. Objects also have internal forms of rotation such as
electrons and protons and neutrons, etc. Rotation makes the matrix lines
closer together, and compressed "potential for motion" (compressed space)
has a gravitational effect because more matrix lines can be traversed where
the matrix lines are closer together than where they are spaced apart or
dilated, and that way massive objects would pull less massive objects
towards them, and the less massive objects would also exert some pull on the
larger objects. That is how I explain the phonomenon of the existance of
"matter" and why it has "gravity". It is all part of a self-balancing
system that sorts itself out naturally. I also believe that prime numbers
are the balance points in the Universe, and that molecules made of elements
in the periodic table are based on prime numbers and prime numbers
connected with many reunions along the way. That is the Natural Number
System. In a related way, the concept of "Pi" implies "curvature", such as
the distance around a circle in terms of the straight distance across a
circle, as a kind of curved perimeter line that we think of as
"circumference". "Circumference" is the path distance around a circle.


08/26/2020 Justin Coslor -- Asymptote of Infinity over the Infinitely small.
. . . In a division equation, the numerator (top part) is the input
and the denominator (bottom part) is the output, such that 1/1 = 1 means
one in over one out equals one. Also Zero means infinitely small. If the
numerator is constant and the denominator is less than one and gets less
and less the result gets bigger and bigger such that 1/0 = Infinity. Also
when the denominator is constant and the numerator gets bigger and bigger
towards Infinity, then Infinity/1 = Infinity. So therefore what happens
when the numerator is Infinity and the denominator is Zero is that the
result is an even bigger Infinity.
. . . I believe that Infinity/0 = 1. It is capped on both ends by the
eternal, and for all intents and purposes seems to form an entirely vertical
line, as an asymptote. Another way to explain it might be "The Outside
divided by the Inside equals One Eternal." That seems to be a way to
describe the limits of the Universe, where the result "1" represents the
Universe, and Infinity represents the outer bounds of the Universe, and
Zero represents the point in the center of the Universe (or at least the
center of the bubble that the Universe exists in). The Universe flows
around the center point though not symmetrically (or else it would
collapse), and the Universe rotates within the outer Infinity out to some
extent with Infinity being where the plurality becomes forever solid energy
without space, a Monality. This may be consistent with Monotheism, such
that worshiping anyone or anything in creation (the plurality) would be like
worshiping a grain of sand and would therefore be a form of paganism.
Paganism means "of the Earth", and the Earth is made of space dust,
and space dust is made of the finite Universe, and is therefore somewhat



First of all, Energy is Eternal. E=STM and that means Energy borders
Space and Time and Motion because space by definition of what it does is
that it is potential for motion and time is a function of motion and
matter is compressed space (thus a gravitational effect) that rotates
and perhaps objects rotate because the Universe bordering Energy Eternal
rotates or perhaps space compressed curves while space dilated expands
like a pushing effect on neutral space. Another question for another
time is "What is a number?". In the never moving stable E for energy in
the electronics physics of E=IR (Energy Eternal equals Induction as in
Amperage Helix Diameter that is inversely proportional to the period of
a resistive path such as the Frequency Helix of a Resistive path.). The
resistive path of one in = one out as in Input / Output has a base 10
system of representing light with color bands such that zero is black
and one is brown and two is red and three is orange and four is yellow
and five is green and six is blue (deep blue) and seven is indigo (sky
blue) and eight is violet (light purple) and nine is white (containing
all colors of light) in the rainbows of light or in the solid state
colors of paint all colors together make black. Purple is not a primary
color. One means Forever Solid. 2 means "pair" as in "parallel". 3 means
"rotation" as in a "stable rotation". 3 connected to 2 connected to 1
means six and 6 means "time" as in a "stable rotation in parallel to
One". Remember that three points on a solid makes a thing stable and an
equiangled triangle has a perimeter of three and when it has been
transformed into a circle then the circumference of that circle is
three. 2 times 2 times 2 equals "eight" and if that represents "purple"
we note that there is a symmetrical repetition of numbered overlap in
that pattern so it is not a solid number. 2^3 means base two in three
symmetrical dimensions thus the structure of a three part system such as
a "volume" as in a solid. So therefore eight is divisible by itself and
that is divided by itself and that is divided by itself as one is
partitioned into 2 connected to 2 connected to 2 connected to 1, all
representing 1 as three pairs of twos connected to each other and one in
whole number fusions on the left and no partitioned number fissions on
the right of the dot separating 1 in whole from one divided. The
exponent is how many symmetrical dimensions the base is in. The
coefficient is the slope of a line on a curve otherwise thought of as
how many groups forward a base is connected to at any particular
exponent and the offset is a side step forward or even backwards, though
a sidestep is to keep it together as a unit. A unit is for keeping it
together without too many partitions, and a whole is another way of
keeping it together from a whole number standpoint. It does not need to
get too big either. Matter is from space that is potential for motion
that is compressed such as from a rotation and compressed space has a
gravitational effect, and while energy does not move, space dilated
pushes away while space compressed pulls towards. A good teacher once
taught me to turn when pushed and move alongside when pulled, as a way
to balance and get where you need to go without treating anyone badly.
On the evolutionary racetrack the rule is "share the road" because it is
not really a race. "Safe driving always safe driving" is a metaphor for
that. Justin Coslor 5/13/2020 updated 6/12/2020 and all of it is
"Friendly Intelligence License: Universally Free Everywhere Forever for
all use that does not treat anyone badly." "Do no harm."


This is a scalable sample visualization of the algebra of base 2 exponent equations that could be used for things like computer memory circuit board designs or city planning or alternative route mathematics. It represents the number theory interconnection of base 2 exponents and their coefficients and offsets. It might also be related to Boolean Logic. In the Energy Grid resistor color coded small number demo version of the Heirarchical Representation of the Numberline pattern in pairs of pairs etc, the even numbers need to be extended lines staggered between the odd number extended lines in the straight line version so that each line is a unit of one such as in base ten such that when the extensions are overlaid sideways like a Go board its connection points can represent data cells containing interconnected information and stacks of these plates can be added together as a Z-axis for the database nodes and stacks of those cubes of points however numerous one desires with plenty of space left over for the future to build on can be made into rows of cubes and plates (similar to planes in geometry) of those rows can be stacked up to make a cube of cubes of information containing interconnected data points. Each point of the cube of cubes is referenceable by six numbers connected, three for the first cube and another three for where that cube is in the cube of cubes. Thank you very much for your enthusiasm, I hope this can be both interesting and enjoyable, and hopefully useful. This design has been on my mind for many years and is extendable and has been extended. Thank you, and remember to not treat anyone badly. Justin Coslor 6/12/2020.





------------------------ Justin Coslor's Recipe Collection












20200116-CoslorJustinM-Cube-of-Cubes.txt UNICODE PRIME TOGGLE FLAG ENCRYPTION









In the Prime Triangles idea, redrawn as Prime Triangle Peak Angles from
Zero, the angles change around a lot, sometimes up from a previous angle
and sometimes down from a previous angle. I wonder if some peak angles from
zero are on the same line? Large prime numbers might look interesting
too, and I'm not even sure yet what the largest and smallest prime
number neighborhood triangle peak angles from zero to peak are. Can the
prime triangles between some range be ordered in terms of triangle size,
or ordered by peak angle from zero? The ordering of the two methods
looks much different. Let me know what you think. Thanks!


My Map Quadrant System idea is a simpler alternative to Global
Positioning System coordinates. Venture capital needed. I am
independently seeking venture capital to patent and license it. I have
detailed information about my ideas for it if a nondisclosure
agreement is signed. [See this image
in order to see the first draft of the idea, but test out the
fully-functional demo below.] This is my first provisional patent.

Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2018 18:33:15 +0000 (UTC)
From: Justin McDonald Coslor justin @ SDF.ORG
To: scan @
Subject: Re: Map Quadrant System for GPS Augmentation System user interface
for NASA to use.

I hereby grant NASA and its branches and departments and personnel unlimited
free use and free access to my Map Quadrant System ideas and designs. NASA
may develop the Map Quadrant System at its discretion for its own uses.
Thank you very much. Sincerely, Justin Coslor 07/30/2018.

Justin Coslor
2055 Fraser St., Apt. 302
Bellingham, WA 98229

United States Patent and Trademark Office
FILING or 371(c) DATE: 11/12/2019
Inventor(s): Justin Coslor, Bellingham, WA
Applicant(s): Justin Coslor, Bellingham, WA

The Map Quadrant System is Patent Pending, and venture capital is needed
both to pay for the non-provisional utility patent in my name, and to pay me
for the use of the ideas.

Please contact me if interested. I think my Map Quadrant System ideas
can help your company/agency/department/organization if it uses maps or
coordinates or zoomable images (such as warehousing and mail routes and
planetary maps and astronomy images and microscopy) or any form of
Geographical Information System or Global Positioning System. In the future
it might also be useful for use by self-driving cars. I look forward to
hearing from you for a business quote to license the idea. The GPS
industry is a huge industry and it can be improved with my innovation.
Thank you.

Justin Coslor
2055 Fraser St., Apt. 302
Bellingham, WA 98229

j u s t i n c o s l o r @ g m a i l . c o m











The Map Quadrant System Demo is 100% free to use for testing purposes.
No login or password is required.


Justin M Coslor 08/26/2021
-1 is not equal to -1^2 because (-1)(-1)=1 yet -(1) = -(1)(1) = -(1^2)

-0=0 because (-1)(0)=0 and (-1)(0)=(-0) (-1)(0)=(-1)(0) and by that
I mean (-1)(0) is the same as (-1)(0)

Syntax or Operators exist to make one or more data elements of content
countable or contained.


START HERE - PICForm Tree Template demo
Here is a printable template for grounding idea trees in PICForm Epistemology.
Priorities come from intentions, and intentions come from goals.
Dimensions can be either quantitative or qualitative.
20140128-CoslorJustinM---PICForm_Tree_Template.jpg PICForm Epistemology Demo
PICForm Epistemology Journal by Justin Coslor


Monthy Bills & Expenses.png





I have seven main projects lately that I am encouraging Andy Dougherty

(of the FRDCSA/Free-Life-Planner/A.I.) to program and collaborate on:

1. ASCII Cube Encryption

2. Map Quadrant System

3. PICForm Epistemology System (Patterns In Contexts Formalized)

4. ByteLibrary (a gigantic freeware/FLOSS archive product)

5. Math Patterns Volume #2

6. PICVis Patterns In Contexts Visualization for Computer Vision

7. Word Sense Triangulations






Copyright 11/14/2018 Justin Coslor
"Context As Possibility Space"
In "possibility space" can a false relation yield truth when the context
is a metaphor?
Note: (numerator=input=pattern) and (denominator=output=context) and
(":" = "/" = "in" = "of" and "::" = "as" and "=" = "equals").
input0(input1:output1)::(input2:output2)output0 means
(input0(input1 / output1)) / ((input2 / output2)output0)
such that (input0 / output0) = True.
Question: if (input1 / output1) = False
but (input2 / output2) = True
then can it ever be that (input0 / output0) = True?
In other words, "Can a false relation ever yield any indirect or
structural truth, such as if the context is metaphor?"
A metaphor can be literally false but relationally true in a different
context, so yes.


Justin M Coslor -- 1.5 minute Resume Video Interview on YouTube







Copyright 07/30/2018 Justin Coslor -- Patterns In Contexts Mathematics --

numerator = input = patterns
/ = : = "division" or "ratio" = "of" = "in"
denominator = output = context(s)

therefore "patterns in contexts" = "patterns / context(s)"
= "input : output" = input/output = patterns:context(s)
= "patterns of context(s)" = domain/range = domain:range


5/16/2014 Justin Coslor -- PICForm
It relates from within to around with names.
I want to turn PICForm into a search engine, but I'm not sure how yet.


Copyright 6/20/2017 Justin Coslor
Elements and Energy Hypothesis (peer review requested)

Quarks are tiny loops of energy that appear and disappear rapidly at
various angles on a subatomic scale, and where there is a loop or coil
the energy is transformed into a wave such as a helix spiral or a radio
wave, similar to the output of an antenna. Every non-quark particle is made
of lots of loops at various angles, and the energy that goes through
a quark loop (or larger loop) is like a radio signal that "radiates"
outward onto a larger and larger scale of particles until it is detectable
as an atom with some "radioactive" properties. Larger elements are heavier
and more radioactive because they contain more subatomic particles than
lighter elements. A dot can loop a line. To "loop" is to "group".



Can you think of anything that cannot be described in terms of patterns in contexts? I somehow seem to be unable to.


9/30/2013 Justin Coslor -- 25 cent recipes -- each of these can be made for less than a quarter.

1. $5 Latte/Cappuccino: mix instant coffee with some sweetener in 1/3 mug of water and microwave, shake up a jug of milk until frothy and pour over top and stir.

2. Chicken and Dumpling Soup: mix crumbled chicken bouillon cubes with water and bring to a raging boil in a pot on the stove, then make dough balls or homemade noodles out of flour and water, toss dumplings/noodles into the boiling broth for a while then let cool and enjoy!


Copyright 8/04/2013 Justin Coslor -- Primal Computing

This afternoon I thought of a solution to representing the decimal portion of the prime number representation of the Dewey Decimal System, for library books and fact categorization, and ordered lists, etc. I just posted it to my webpage.

It is a way to represent two dimensions or more using only one dimension. Justin Coslor 8/4/2013 M.O.I. FRDCSA/PICForm

This "Primal Computing" idea could be a useful solution for problems such as the decimal portion of Dewey Decimal System's Prime Number Representation Formatting. See the folowing picture link below.


Copyright 8/05/2013 Justin Coslor -- Dewey Decimal System Prime Number Representation

So the simple way to implement it is sort of the reverse of the method shown in the diagram. It would only need to use the first 138 prime numbers to have a composite version of the Dewey Decimal System number.

First number: Choose one of 1st to 10th prime = position 1 for one of # zero through nine.

Second number: Choose one of 11th to 20th prime = position 2 of one of # zero through nine.

Third number: Choose one of 21st to 30th prime = position 3 of one of # zero through nine.

That gives you the general three digit DDS category number out of the 999 categories.

Fourth number: Choose one of 31st to 40th prime = position 4 of one of # zero through nine.

Fifth number: Choose one of 41st to 50th prime = position 5 of one of # zero through nine.

Sixth number: Choose one of 51st to 60th number = position 6 of one of # zero through nine.

That gives you the three digit DDS extension number that follows the category number after a period.

Seventh number: Choose one of 61st to 86th prime = position 7 of letter A through Z.

Eighth number: Choose one of 87th to 112th prime = position 8 of letter A through Z.

Ninth number: Choose one of 113th to 138th prime = position 9 of letter A through Z.

That gives you the first three letters of the author's last name.

Now you can multiply all nine prime numbers together to generate a single composite number rather than having three separate different kinds on numbers. That composite number can be factored into the Dewey Decimal System equivalent that is traditionally indicated on the spine of a library book, and sometimes it occurs on the copyright page as well.

That way the library book reference number (or other document) from

000.000 AAA


999.999 ZZZ

can all be represented as a single composite prime number using nothing more than the base ten version of the first 141 prime numbers. Also, on computers or telegraph key systems and radio waves and microwaves (etc), the composite number can be represented as a binary number. It seems like this prime number representation of the Dewey Decimal System as a single composite number per book could replace the existing Dewey Decimal System.

10 10 10 . 10 10 10 26 26 26

That many possibilities per digit are represented by sequential prime numbers such that only nine prime numbers are chosen per book, and those nine numbers are multiplied together to form a single composite number, which can thereafter be converted to binary if desired.

I thought of this idea by abstracting one of my ideas from my "One-Button Programmable Computer" idea, such that information can be processed and transmitted by nothing more than a telegraph key, at the pseudo binary level; in particular the way to have three basic elements (one, zero, and compute) out of on off pulses arranged into three part signals per bit of an expected bit length in the system, which is basically another way to get three or more dimensions out of one dimension on a timeline, with the timeline of pulses being like a command line similar to a telegraph operator's tape and code notepad.

Justin Coslor
justincoslor @

Justin Coslor
2055 Fraser St., Apt. 302
Bellingham, WA 98229
United States of America


5/13/2013 Justin M Coslor -- How to drink coffee

Two sips per page or two (reading). Two sips per paragraph or two (writing). Two sips per outline framework (math maps, and artwork). Two sips per melody or per three measures (music composition & recording editing sessions). When studying, trace artwork with the mind's eye to be able to remember it, then reverse engineer it to map out some of its possibility space through guesswork. To drink black coffee, pour it hot then let it cool to either a warm or cold temperature. Coffee lasts for many days sitting out in the open without molding or spoiling.

Justin Coslor 5-13-2013.


Spring 2013 Justin Coslor -- An average year

So if there are sixty seconds per minute, then there are 1440 minutes per hour, and approximately 30.48 hours per day if when each hour is approximately 48.25 minutes long. That way we can have twelve months each with the same number of days per month equal to 30 days if there are to be 365.25 days per year at 1440 minutes per day divided up into twelve months, which is about a 127 percent conversion factor of the hour based on 30.48 divided by 24. We can all do away with all of that crazy calendar stuff. Also I find that the most effective sleep schedule is to have a balanced number of hours of sleep on both sides of true midnight, which is at about 3:15AM, so 3:15AM minus 4 hours is 11:15PM and 3:15AM plus 4 hours is 7:15AM for an eight hour sleep schedule.


6/4/2012 to 6/5/2012 Justin Coslor -- Up (about how to tell time)

With simple trigonometry, motion on a plane can be described in terms of side to side through time (Cosine) and up and down through time (Sine), and when you put them both together it looks like a helix spiral along (around) a timeline like a coil. A lot of electronics are also based on coils. Sine and Cosine might be named after the Sun and Moon, or related to the twelve or more galactic compass directions (of maybe even towards ancient distant space civilizations) which is really 24 directions, like a 24 hour clock, but it seems more like forwards and backwards in 12 directions. The wristwatch seems like a miniature timespace grid of what direction "up" is pointed across and beyond the galaxy at any given in that sense the hour hand of a wristwatch might be about which direction up is, and the minute hand and the minutes hand would be increments of 1/60ths offset from that and the seconds hand would be increments of 1/60ths offset from that, and the number 60 was probably used because 60=2*2*3*5 = 3*4*5 and fractions and/or ratios of 3*4*5 are probably really simple to calculate and visually estimate in terms of triads and quadrants and quintuple stars as directions around a compass rose of the galaxy and beyond. How many thirds of three? How many fourths of four? How many fifths of five? Multiply them all together as a fraction of sixty and you have a simple visual way to estimate approximately how far offset "up" is from the closest of the 24 directions (i.e. 360 degrees divided by 24 sections). *I will need to verify that sixty part approximation system extensively on paper one of these days. I wonder if Pitch, Yaw, Roll, X horizontal, and Y verticle might also be related to the 3*4*5 system for estimating which direction "up" is at any moment along a moving body's timeline such as for using the system in geometric and trigonometric angles such as angle partitions of a circle, and how it relates to the ratio of the distance around a circle in terms of the distance across a circle (pi).

Also, I wonder if the tomography inside lightning looks like fractals? 6/5/2012 Justin Coslor -- I noticed today while drinking iced tea that the ice in the glass stayed fairly stationary when moving in the X and Y and Z directions, though it rotated inside the glass when the glass was rotated in the pitch and yaw and roll directions. Maybe that is something about geometry or motion or gravity or diamagnetics? The glass seemed like a bearing surface for the ice inside it.


8/22/2012 Justin M Coslor -- Theoretical Physics

The Universe is made of Energy through an expression of Space, Time, and Matter. Another word for Energy is "Quanta".

E=MC^2 means "Energy can be represented by the Mass of an object going at some fraction of the speed of light in two perpendicular dimensions of travel such as a plane." C means the speed of light or some fraction of the speed of light.

Therefore "E = Energy", "M = Matter", "C = Time", and "^2 = Space". From that we can say that E = MC^2 = Space, Time, and Matter.


7/19/2012 Memorization Technique

If you want to remember a list of 81 items try sorting them into four layers of 1., 2., 3. sets. 3^4=81.


7/1/2012 Justin M Coslor -- Mathematics & Logic

This is a new update to my Sine Spiral Graphing ideas: Mathematics&

Mathematics& contains .jpeg photos of some notes I wrote this afternoon while reading a math equation book and a little while thereafter this evening. Let me know if the ideas make sense in various other contexts. Thanks. JMC.


PICForm is Patterns in Contexts Formalized.


6/22/2012 Justin M Coslor -- Success

Most success is the result of covering the basics and fine tuning the details.


6/22/2012 Justin M Coslor -- If Then AI Loop

In many computer programs the programmer tells the computer what to do, such as "If such and such, Then somethingrather."

Artificial Intelligence collaboration of a person working with an A.I. might go a little bit differently, such as "If somethingthingrather, then what happens?", as a way to ask the computer to figure out some hypothetical projection or prediction or similar-experience based advice.


6/18/2012 Justin M Coslor -- Knowledge Representation Alternative to PICForm

Shapes In Locations (SIL) can be an alternative to Patterns In Contexts (PICForm). There are no doubt also many other alternative simplified knowledge representations methods for Artificial Intelligence software tools.


6/21/2012 Justin M Coslor -- Knowledge Representation Alternative to PICForm

Structures In Systems (SIS) can be another alternative alternative to Patterns In Contexts (PICForm).





2/29/2012 Justin M Coslor -- Friendly Intelligence License --

About five or more years ago I invented the Friendly Intelligence License, as a simple an ethical alternative to "Public Domain" and various tedious and complicated disclaimers. This is it:

"[Friendly Intelligence License: Universally free everywhere forever for all use that does not treat anyone badly.]"

That is all there is to it. Anyone may use it for honest work.


This is to simplify and make compatible all law and forms of ethics: "The basis of law is to keep people from treating each other badly."


January 23rd, 2012 to January 26th, 2012 by Justin M Coslor

-- Machinery Projects --

So for a project I am trying to build a simple low-budget [[X,Y],Z] axis robot for moving a motor tool (for CNC Machining of parts) or wood-burner tool (for engraving), that will fit in a suitcase along with a laptop or microcontroller (Arduino Uno + EasyStep stepper motor drivers) and be programmable with an USB-port-converted old Nintendo controller (Left-Right-Up-Down (to move the work) in the [X,Y] axis, and A and B to move the Z-axis (that holds the tool) up and down) using stepper motors and a microcontroller ladder logic circuit. To make it programmable I was thinking of using a database, and maybe each pixel in a 3D image simulation could be represented by a box in a database, such that each layer of pixels (like a pancake) is represented by a database page of boxes, such that the image is composed of a stack of layers of pixels or a collection (Z pages) of database (X,Y) pages. Is that how it is done in OpenGL or DirectX or RayTracing? It seems like if a lot of people had these that there would be many more various specialized and compatible parts out there for making all sorts of products. CNC machines normally cost several thousand dollars but I am building it for about $100 using parts from hardware stores and ordered online (Amazon, eBay, etc). I hope to someday make a machine that can make carbon nano-tubes out of charcoal and another machine that makes lumber out of hay, and reinforce the hay lumber with the carbon nano-tubes, to protect forests. Maybe even do something with space telerobotics, for gigantic structures in space, push a button and it builds a planet or something. Gardening is a form of terraforming.

So the database of pixels for a 3D image is like a stack of waffles. Add some strawberries and cream and you're good to go. There might be a database simplification subroutine that deletes all but the edge pixels for each waffle layer to hollow it out so that the virtual reality hologram (avatar) doesn't take up much memory, and who looks inside much anyway except for tomography for MRI brain scans and studying the astronomy of galaxies (though the astronomy supercomputer hard drive could contextualize the requested scale of perspective depth of galaxy then generate models at that scale of hollow virtual reality avatar objects to speed things up such as for making guided-tour motion sequences for posting on the internet). Also the pixel size could be variable to decrease the resolution to save on memory space. Also the pixels could be turned grayscale, or have a skin projected onto the 3D surface structure from some pattern or photo or be simplified to a wire-frame of triangles and/or splines.


2/27/2012 Justin M Coslor -- Prime Numbers and Souls --

Souls might be like prime numbers, with many reunions along the way. Days as well, like a timeline of life.


6/11/2012 Justin M Coslor -- Prime Numbers

If each field is a number system then each prime number field might be like its own unique number system. Maybe prime numbers are sought after to be able to find a lowest terms number system where an equation can be solved with a rational solution rather than as a possibly infinite stream of decimals? Being able to work with larger and larger prime numbers is like making the Universe much bigger, both topographically, tomographically, and no doubt in other ways too such as combinatorically, and in the micromanagement of time, and many other ways. Also more powerful supercomputers can be designed around knowledge of larger prime numbers.


6/11/2012 Justin M Coslor -- Natural Numbers

There are five kinds of Natural Numbers:

1. Prime numbers,

2. Nonprime odd odds,

3. Nonprime odd evens,

4. Nonprime even odds, and

5. Nonprime even evens.

This can be generalized as 1. Prime numbers, and 2. Nonprime numbers, though the five kind perspective is a deeper look into the substructures of Natural Numbers rather than just looking at the last digit to see if the number is even or odd, and of that, such as from divisibility, what is prime? With the five part model it seems provable that every Natural Number is in one of those five categories of numbers, some literally in the direct sense, and others by proxy of the categories being used together and/or recursively, which is mathematically equivalent to being in one of those five categories.


2011 Justin Coslor -- Math Patterns Volume #1

[Friendly Intelligence License applies] Math Patterns Volume #1

2011 Justin Coslor -- Possibility Thinking: Explorations in Logic and Thought (Second Edition)

[Friendly Intelligence License applies] Possibility Thinking: Explorations in Logic and Thought (Second Edition)


2/15/2012 Justin Coslor -- Book Writing Tips

If you are writing a book here are five tips that help that I use myself:

1. Make lists (and lists of lists (and make nested parenthisis like LISP thought notation)) and write it all down as you think about it.

2. Ask networks of questions, and write them all down.

3. Set goals and sub-goals, and write them all down.

4. Do a sketch of each topic from visualizing the content of the context in your mind's eye.

5. Type it all up on a computer and post it to an internet shell account webpage in simple HTML so that it is readable on a text terminal, also use a cheap webcam to film yourself explaining the ideas and post that to the internet (such as on your webpage). Remember to write your name and the date on every document and include a bibliography if you incorporate ideas from anyone else whatsoever. It does not hurt to research the ideas that you think of to see if anyone else has thought of such things and in the bibliography cite overlap to help make the document as useful and insightful as it can be.


2011-2012 Justin M Coslor - "Th=TGQ"

How to come up with new thoughts to think about and contextualize metaphorically:

Topic(s), Goal(s), Question(s), Thought(s).

Thought(s) come from choosing a topic or multiple topics,

then set a goal or multiple goals about the topic or topics,

then ask a question or several questions about that topic in the context (setting) of the goal or goals,

and from that beginning, thoughts about all of that become possible to emerge.

This is very much the basis of "Possibility Thinking", and it is an exploration of "Logic and Thought".

The "emergence" part of that needs to be formally described from a cognitive science standpoint to use the method in automated Artificial Intelligence tools.

It might be similar to a system of Stoic logic. It is also similar to reverse engineering ideas and the representation of knowledge.

Give it a try in the link below.

Thoughts = Questions * Goals

7/20/2012 Justin M Coslor -- The Emergence of Algorithms

It helps to plug in numbers to an example of an idea such as a math idea. So the full expression of the process is 1. Choose a topic, 2. Set goals about the topic, 3. Ask networks of questions about the topic and the goals related to the topic, 4. Write down the ideas that emerge, 5. Do an elaborate example of the idea such as by plugging in numbers and writing it all down, 6. Study the examples generated of the ideas that emerged and streamline the system into a formalized mathematical algorithm, 7. Share the algorithm with friends and family and colleagues, 8. Publish a paper on it. It also helps to draw dependency charts, flow charts, diagrams, and pictures of it such as photos or a comic book or cartoon. A song or poem about it can make it memorable and approachable.


20111217 to 20111218 -- Noticability Style Guide, Alchemy Idea, Knot Theory Representation


Sciences are compatible and may be from setting goals and asking networks of questions in the pursuit of formalizable truth, such as storing and arranging patterns in contexts. The mind tries to make patterns out of pieces of thoughts and memories and guesses, and interconnects similar to a post office mail network. Can you think of anything that cannot be described in terms of Patterns In Contexts?


20111113 Coslor, Justin M. -- Discovery and Invention in PICForm

Knowledge is information that has been encoded by the neurons of a brain or interpreted by the essence of a mind, information is formulaic and is observable or interpretable by a binary Input/Output machine such as a computer or mathematical/scientific system. Sciences are compatible. FRDCSA PICForm is based on this representation: "knowledge as patterns in contexts, thinking as storing and grouping knowledge." Mathematical and Scientific patterns already theoretically exist in Possibility Space (by the number theory of syntax and the model theory of semantic possibilities), but the context of pattern interpretation and application is a choice thus an invention. A context relates patterns, patterns relate variables, variables relate qualitative and quantitative dimensional properties, and dimensions juxtapose elements of Plurality via Word Sense Triangulations and other structures of Possibility Space (such that Plurality is a mixed bubble within Oneness). E=STM (Energy is the relationship between Space and Time and Matter). E=MC^2 (Energy can be thought of as the mass of an object going the speed of light in two perpendicular dimensions such as a plane or circle through time like a spiral). Th=QG (Thought = Questions x Goals) Like the Stoic Socratic method of knowledge derivation from asking networks of questions within an optimizable prioritizable goal structure. Information and Knowledge overlap through the use of a Formal System of Representation. Some Artificial Intelligence theories are based on that.


(This is an update, changing E=STM to K=STM.)

20111207 Coslor, Justin M. -- Motion

Motion = Space * Time * Matter


K = Kinetic Energy = Motion = Space * Time * Matter

Motion can be described by the relationship between Space and Time and Matter. Space is essentially potential for motion and can hold a compression or a dilation. Compressed Space (i.e. dark matter from the wake of a super-heavy object) is compressed potential for motion and thus has a gravitational effect. Matter is compressed space from Energy collisions, related to a gyroscopic funnel effect, and therefore has a gravitational effect.

This can related to the famous equation E=MC^2 which means Energy can be thought of as the Mass of an object going the Speed Of Light in Two perpendicular dimensions such as a plane or circle through time like a spiral such as an orbit. The equation K=STM can be used to help open up the E=MC^2 equation.

-------------------- "The Entscheidungsproblem asks for an algorithm that will take as input a description of a formal language and a mathematical statement in the language and produce as output either "True" or "False" according to whether the statement is true or false." "the first step would have to be a clean formal language" So it seems that the Entscheidungsproblem (Hilbert's 'Decision Problem') was from Liebniz after he made a mechanical calculator (maybe similar to Babbage) and it led to Turing Machines and that led to Computer Science. So computer science began with the Entscheidungsproblem, and was an attempt to solve problems described by formal systems such as computer programming languages. So it seems like PICForm could be a clean formal language for describing problems, and the One-Button Programmable Computer.


could be used like a Turing Machine to solve problems expressed in PICForm software (see words.txt on PICForm). So that is how PICForm could be related to Hilbert's Program.

I was on page 4 of reading Turing, A.M. (1950). Computing machinery and intelligence. Mind, 59, 433-460. when the One-Button-Programmable-Computer idea occurred to me and so I worked it out on a piece of paper earlier today. Mathematical operators and subroutine functions are specified by the quantitative and qualitative prefixes of every binary string. "The atomic operations of a Turing machine are six in number: (i) move the tape left one square; (ii) move the tape right one square; (iii) read ...(i.e. identify) the symbol currently under the head; (iv) write a symbol on the square of tape currently under the head (after first deleting the symbol already written there, if any); (v) change state; (vi) halt." I believe that the halting problem can be solved by implementing approximations, such that all truth is but an approximation of a deeper truth. I believe that this is possible by "Sine Spiral Graphing" a system I invented in highschool regarding the spiral-like helix trigonometry of orbits via graphing the motion of systems of complex circlular motions through time. Space is the inbetween, and is potential for motion that holds a compression or dilation. Information by its very nature is a division, yet it strives to become whole, and at the very least to become balanced. If something is not accurate then it is somewhat false, yet even if it is thought to be accurate it can be recontextualized into a bigger picture and thus thought to be only an approximation of truth and thus somewhat false in other contexts.




[476KB] 20100822-Coslor-Justin-M---PICForm-and-Priority-Systems.wmv


7/3/2011 Justin Coslor -- Old Saying

"No one is the sum of their mistakes."


3/17/2011 Justin M Coslor

Here is a metaphor I thought of today that simplifies decision science: "Go forward or turn."

7/11/2018 re: 3/17/2011 JMC -- "Go forward" could be forward motion in an X,Y,Z space, and "turn" could be like pitch, yaw, roll. Also both could happen at the same time such as accellerating around a corner.


7/11/2018 Justin M Coslor -- Axiom of Gravity, Space, Time, and Motion of Matter

"Stuff moves slowly in crowded places."

7/11/2018 re: 7/11/2018 JMC -- "Stuff" in this case means matter, but I'm not sure if it would apply to energy such as light or radio waves or to singularities/worm-holes. Speed means distance/time so where matter is crowded it covers less distance per unit of time, thus it moves more slowly there than in neutral space where the potential for motion is not as compressed (thus less gravity in neutral space, allowing the matter to travel faster).


2011coslor_numbers.png about Pi




If something can be proven using a formal system, then it can only be disproven in a different context.

Adjectives : Nouns :: Patterns : Contexts

Context is like the setting in a story. There are many possibilities. There are many reasons for everything. For example: numbers are relevant in terms of a plurality context, yet they have many interchangeable methodologies.



20101005 Justin Coslor --- Possibility Space, Plurality, and Quanta

Possibility Space exists in Plurality. Plurality exists in space that has Quanta in and/or around it.


20100825 Justin Coslor --- Questions about the Unknown

A question makes the unknown approachable.

People are often afraid of the unknown.

Common sense is based on questions.

Are curiosity and bravery a function of fear?

I think that Stoicism is an attempt to place logic higher than emotion.


20101006 Justin Coslor --- Common Sense

Common Sense is all about asking questions. When someone relates some common sense patterns to other common sense patterns, that is when deeper thinking patterns emerge. Often that is worth writing down, to archive the thought before it is forgotten.


Stoic humor: questions to elicit emotions.


20101006 Justin Coslor --- Research

Research is the juxtaposition of question timelines.


20101006 Justin Coslor --- Finite Thoughts

A person can only have a finite number of thoughts each day because each sequential thought implies a feedback loop along timelines of possibility branches.



The basis of law is to keep people from treating each other badly. No one is the sum of their mistakes. A pawn can protect a pawn but it sometimes takes a more powerful piece to rescue a pawn in danger of being captured. In the board game Go it is sometimes worthwhile to abandon pieces about to be captured that cannot be saved because they are all of equal magnitude of power yet in the board game Chess as in life it is worthwhile for the more powerful pieces to rescue the less powerful pieces. In these games the pieces are captured rather than being killed. Every element added to a contextual set changes the entire set and changes the context into something different. In the priorities of longterm lasting Peace it is important to remember that every piece is worthwhile. Everyone is worthwhile. Services and products are more important than money and people are more important than services and products therefore people are more important than money; Andrew J. Dougherty of the Formalized Research Database Cluster Study and Apply FRDCSA.ORG taught me that.

3/26/2010 It is great when many different people can live peacefully without anyone being treated badly.


How to make a portable shelf out of rope or twine. [Public Domain idea] An appropriate technology idea. 20100801-Portable-Shelf-Knotwork-Idea.JPG






Ohm's Law -- Power in the Space Time Continuum


Possibility Thinking Explorations in Logic and Thought by Justin Coslor in Paperback and .PDF available at click on the ftp text file "words"



sketch collection



virtues_and_qualities.txt -- Note: not all of these adjectives are virtues.

2020 Update to the mneumonic (short) version of The Ten Commandments:


Monotheism is about worshiping no thing and no one in all of creation,
worshiping only God in full. Faith is about the decision to obey God.
Hope comes with that, and is about trust in God.

















PICVis visual dictionary and fonts for use with PICForm. Each pixel can be tapped out with on/off signals and mapped on a grid like this.










Someone could make aluminumn and/or mylar bandaids for the space station.

I am a real person and you are too. I wrote the book Possibility Thinking Explorations In Logic and Thought.

Click on words. I am a writer and a thinker and am fair and handy to have around. I am not perfect and no one is yet together we can make a difference.


Rough draft sketches and art and philosophy that formed the basis of Possibility Thinking Explorations in Logic and Thought Click on the following link and then click on FTP on the left & click on words to read my book Possibility Thinking by Justin M Coslor.


Even though we forget, we just do the best that we know how in each moment.



People need reasons more than orders. There are many reasons for everything.


6/18/2010 Justin Coslor on The Value of Human Life

Math example: Ten Factorial is written 10! and that equals 10x9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 = 3,628,800. So if there were only ten humans on Earth, then the value of each human life would be at least 10! lifetimes worth of data if each and every lifetime were to be compared to each and every other human lifetime on Earth. All of the every person's lifetime would be worth thinking about in many different ways such as sensory input, interpretation, priorities, values, ethics, thoughts, emotions, memories, genetic DNA code, guesses, insights, medical data, rections, actions, expectations, interconnectivity, nature and nurture data etc. Currently there are over 6.5 billion (that is 6,500,000,000) humans alive on Earth by approximate census statistics. So likewise it is safe and ethical to assume that each and every human life's lifetime contributes one whole order of magnitude to the factorial comparison calculation that attempts to consider every possibility and dimension of comparison, such that each human life phenomenally makes every other human life extrordinarily more valuable in terms of a lifespan of comparison in every possibile way. So the more people to born and live a lifetime on this planet alone, makes the entire Earth extrordinarily more valuable in terms of lifetimes of data and computational analysis of possibilities. So if 10! life's lifespans to compare results in 3,628,800 lifetimes worth of data, and if that could be recorded onto a computer memory system, and if every computer memory system could be represented by one gigantic number, then therefore there are over 6,500,000,000! lifespans worth of data to comparatively analyze in the context of each and every human life in existance on Earth alone at this approximate point in time. Also, somewhere around three babies are born every second, and that means that in every second the factorial equation is tremendously augmented with three whole orders of magnitude of factorial lifespans of comparison analysis. So everyone makes everyone else much more valuble than anyone can possibly ever manage to calculate. Well over 6500000000x6499999999x6499999998x . . . x3x2x1 lifetimes worth of data exists. Everyone is interesting. Life is worthwhile. Be good to everyone. Try to do the right thing in every situation, and help each other. Help Every Living Person (H.E.L.P.). Diversity is essential.


The best way to save lives is to inspire people to do good, and that can be done by being a good example in one's own life.

We know that no one is perfect so try not to treat anyone badly.

Though divided we are one. MANY FROM ONE. DEMOCRACY IS COMMUNITY. DEMOCRACY IN SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNITY. STRIVE FOR PEACE NOT PIECES. SUBSET INTERSECTION INTERSECTION UNION. I like writing, drawing, discovering wisdom, learning, and talking gently with nice folks. I mostly enjoy simple ideas.




10/14/2011 Justin M Coslor -- Trigonometry Update

A Sine Wave describes up and down motion as time passes like a side view of a spiral or a side view of other motion, and a Cosine Wave describes side to side motion as time passes like a top view of a spiral or a top view of other motion, and the Unit circle is a front view of such motion like the front view of a spiral created by one of the hands on a clock going around in a circle as time passes along the Z-axis that goes through its center of rotation.


Justin Coslor -- Sine Spiral Graphing

In my 1997 research paper "Sine Spiral Graphing" (see below), the
circular motion of Sine and Cosine around a unit circle mapped
simultaneously through all points in time makes a helix spiral.

Sine = Y/Z, Cosine = X/Z, and Time = Z. Sine over time is the side view
of a helix spiral, and Cosine over time is the top-view of a helix
spiral. It is like shining a flashlight at the side view and top view of
a stretched out Slinky coil toy above a table by the wall to see the
shadow from the side view and from the top view, as though the Slinky
itself were a helix spiral. The side-view shadow on the wall looks like
a Sine wave and the top-view shadow on the table looks like a Cosine wave.
















We know that no one is perfect so try not to treat anyone badly. rope folding algorithm is 2^folds=segments

words is the free typed version of Justin Coslor's journal entries that formed the basis of his book Possibility Thinking Explorations in Logic and Thought and it has many errors in it so please remember to be kind to everyone and only read it gently when you are in a good mood and if you get tired then gently stop and do something else such as sleep and dream of peace, or if you get angry you could go fly a kite. The diagrams and drawings and stuff for that book are in the sketches directory and they are not perfect either so please be kind and try not to treat anyone badly, and please do not treat me badly. Thank you. More formal thought about that could perhaps be carefully edited by hand and my writing and sketches and photography are as always, just whatever they are as is.


PICForm Compiler

Project Perhaps people could make a program that makes writing C programs easier. I think that C stands for subset. It could be a program that translates PICFORM cross-domain relations into C programs and data structures. COMPUTATION. COMPUTATION IS THE MEANS OF SOLVING PROBLEMS; IT IS APPLIED STRATEGY, THE APPLICATION OF NUMERICAL DIMENSIONS TO QUALITATIVE ASPECTS OF A MENTAL MODEL, SO THAT PATTERNS CAN BE IDENTIFIED AND CONTEXTUALIZED COMPUTABLY.


One of the ways to invent stuff. Make a system to list topics next to each other with a selection of topics to find some useful compatibilities of their relations. It requires helpful compassionate human beings and a beautiful diversity of other life as all life can be beautiful if nurtured to be compassionate. Helpful thinkers with many skills are needed to think about the topics in the discovery of new ideas and new profound concepts and considerations. Concepts are contextual perceptions. A continuum of textuality is like the setting in a story and is what a context is. Often it is said that a picture, such as a drawing or diagram, is worth a thousand words. Sometimes less is more with words. It sometimes helps to simplify and it sometimes helps to elaborate. It helps to try to do a good job and plan ahead and leave plenty for the future.



Please remember to not treat anyone badly.




2055 FRASER ST., APT. 302





Copyright 06/14/2010 to 06/17/2010 Justin Coslor

PICForm Priorities and Mappings.

Perhaps first principle properties could be mapped to variables,

and variables could be mapped to patterns,

and patterns could be mapped to contexts,

and contexts could be mapped to priorities,

and priorities could be mapped to agendas,

and agendas could be used by intelligent agents

to navigate possibility space.

A mapping is the formation of relations,

such as where similarities link or connect or implicate inferences,

as is the case where some of the ranges

of different functional domains

overlap as in cross-domain relations,

an alternate route mathematics

governed by the fact that there are many reasons for everything,

and often those reasons can be discovered

by noticing their repetitions and recursions

of symmetries and prime numbers

and known via mapping systems such as frameworks and syntax and

pattern lexicons and contexts and networks and logical systems.

I believe that semantics are really just a creative use of syntax.


20100617 Justin Coslor Epistemology.

Epistemology is about noticing repetition and thinking of a succinct way to name that in an effort to define the roots of knowledge and of anything that can be represented.


2010 Justin M Coslor -- Quotes and Questions

Induction is proof of division. Context is a subset of priorities, but what are priorities a subset of? The priorities of the game Go as with priorities in life are Sustainability, Stance, and Strategy. One of my goals is to define mathematics on the theme of contextual frameworks of patterns. Patterns are mimicry. Thank you Aristotle. People are intelligent agents that are personified by the mind, and identified by the body. The mind tries to make patterns out of pieces of thoughts and memories and guesses. To a philosopher, beliefs are decisions. People base their goals on their priority systems. Nations are based on collaboration. Can anyone think of anything that cannot be described in terms of patterns in contexts?


8/6/2010 Justin Coslor

Prime Experiments

In the Natural Number System,


All prime numbers (with the exception of the number 2) are odd.

All odd numbers are only divisible by odd numbers.

All even numbers are divisible by 2.


Duplicates produce the only instances of even numbers.

The rest are all odd numbers multiplied by odd numbers,

including prime numbers other than 2.






What if we introduce the concept of a solid number as the product of all prime numbers up to any particular natural number? It would be similar to a factorial but would not repeat any prime number multiple times in its divisibility. Solid numbers would therefore be a subset of the natural number system, and prime numbers would therefore be a subset of the solid number system. For example: an ongoing list of all sequential solid numbers would start out as follows. . . (prime solid numbers are in parenthesis for clarity.) . . . (1),(2),(3),(5),6,(7),10,(11),(13),14,15,(17),(19),21,22,(23),26,(29),30,(31),33,etc. 4,8,9,12,16,18,24,25,27,32,etc are not solid numbers because they are divisible by one or more prime number exponents whose exponent is 2 or larger, thus those are prime repetitions, and therefore not solid.

[70KB] 20100826-Coslor-Justin-M--Solid-Number-System.jpg








PICVis Interchangeable Diagram Formats 20100906-PICVis.txt


20100609 Justin Coslor --- Do good.

Maybe the best that anyone can do is try to do the right thing in every situation and not be afraid to ask for help. Help Every Living Person = H.E.L.P. (H.E.L.P. is a common saying)


20100622 Justin Coslor --- Hierarchical Representation of the numberline (ENERGY GRID) applications

For an optimal energy grid (such that each node is represented by a simple equation or number, and paths between nodes can be represented by differences of intermediate nodes leading to it in alternate route mathematics) optimal city and road layout, computer design, and optimal telecommunications and energy grids, it can turn turn a two-dimensional map of a balanced distribution of interconnected lattitude and longitude nodes into a one-dimensional numberline, scalably. Also, if the grids are stacked, it could turn that three-dimensional balanced interconnected matrix into a two-dimensional number chart like a multiplication table. Note that very large numberlines can efficiently be represented hierarchically as base 2 polynomial equations and can be represented on a flat graph that extends both in width and in length. Imagine a hierarchical numberline graph of a numberline several billion nodes large, all interconnected and layed out flat or wrapped around a globe or sphere such as where the even nodes are in one hemisphere, and odd nodes are in the other hemisphere such that 3D location can be represented by a single number or base 2 exponent equation. Think about island nodes.


20100623 Justin Coslor --- Floating Birthday Cake Idea

Make a floating birthday cake containing a helium filled balloon. Chocolate pastery as finely crafted as a diamond studded ornamental egg but edible and made by robots, with more moving parts than the space shuttle.


20100624 Justin Coslor --- Orbits

Everything has something to do with orbits relative to locations.


20100809 It is better to be insulted than to insult somebody.


20100624 Justin Coslor --- Medicine

The purpose of medicine: to heal, to promote and support life. Do no harm.


20100618 Justin Coslor --- Devices

Artificial Intelligence Archive Manager for everyone's cellphone. Have a cellphone brainwave monitor and heart rate monitor and breath and sonar scanner. Cell phones should have a USB port to print photos and transcripts. USB Flash memory sticks with microcontroller ports and USB ports could be made that have programmable microcontrollers built in to program with a mini keyboard.


20100706 Justin Coslor --- Tools

Make a hand-crank grinding/cutting wheel for doing metal work and recycling/salvage of auto bodies and mechanical parts. Use a pulley or chain gear system from a bicycle wheel. It should be portable. It does not need a motor, but might have an inertial flywheel.


20100808 Justin Coslor --- Empirical Machines

If something is Empiracle then it is like a machine where the product moves from stage to stage and each part of the infrastructure improves the product or idea. Like a tree growing in a forest.



20100903 Justin Coslor --- Empiracle Control Structures for Generating Possibilities

If a person knows three algorithms that are facts then they can relate them together in a level 1 comparison structure to produce 2^3 possibilities from those three facts. Then if someone else knows three different algorithms as facts then they can form 2^3 possibilities from those and the two people can together generate 2^3 * 2^3 = 2^6 level 2 possibilities from recombining their algorithm fact level 1 possibilities and so on. If a third person knows three different algorithm facts then they can relate their possibilities to the others for a level 3 structure = 2^3 * 2^6 = 2^9 possibilities.


20100815 Justin Coslor --- Math

Math is metaphoric. That is how it applies to many different situations.


20100817 Justin Coslor --- Writing

I enjoy writing. Ideas emerge when I start writing.


20100820 Justin Coslor --- Patent Simulation Software Business

Patents seem like a way for businesses to corner the market for many different niches. Therefore it seems like patents would affect the stock market. Especially for fundamental patents owned by corporations that sell stock because it could keep them in business for a long time. It seems like Artificial Intelligence reasoning engines could data mine patents to figure out what the patents mean and to read between the lines to find inferences about how the patent information relates to other topics. I could make a business programming virtual reality object oriented simulations of patents and patent pending ideas to sell to the people and companies that own patents and other patent pending ideas. I could make the simulations then show them to the patent holders and negotiate an agreement for selling the simulations so that the companies could use the simulations to promote their products in advertisements and to stock holders and they could be put on the internet. It could be a multi-billion dollar industry.


20100827 Justin Coslor --- Outline to Bubble Chart or Wiki or Visual Encyclopedia

Make a computer program that can convert documents and other knowledge into various representation systems and back, such as collapsable outlines, bubble charts, wiki lexicons, visual encyclopedias, slideshow presentations, collections of math equations, guided tour videos, etc.


20100902 Justin Coslor --- Observation

Innately, men are philosophers and women are psychologists.


20100903 Justin Coslor --- Timelines

Each person is a timeline. Some timelines interact, and some do not.


20100903 Justin Coslor --- Beliefs

Beliefs are decisions, and decisions are based on the belief that something should be decided in a certain way.


4/26/2012 Decisons

People make bad decisions when they are angry or *depressed or afraid. Such things interfere with their sense of hope, the basis of wellbeing. (*my Mom thought of the depressed part)


20100905 Justin Coslor --- Honesty

If you do not say what you mean then you will not get what you want.


20100906 Justin Coslor --- Cruelty

Saying mean things to or about people is wrong because it hurts people's feelings and it is wrong to treat anyone badly. The basis of law is to keep people from treating each other badly.


20100909 Justin Coslor --- Be Nice

Be nice to yourself. If you are not nice to yourself then you will not feel like being nice to other people.


20100911 Justin Coslor --- Transactions

Who owns the sand?


20100911 Justin Coslor --- Intellectual Property

We own what we think.


20100912 Justin Coslor --- Public Domain Project and Design Archive

There should be (and might already be) an internet-based public domain invention archive that allows inventors and innovators to post and publish their ideas and projects and designs in a freely accessible way so that people can use each others' designs and ideas to do things like build machinery and compile software and build scientific instruments without having to worry about patent rights or patent royalties or copyrights. Should it be anonymous or have anonymity as an option?


20100912 Justin Coslor --- Energies Exposed to the Body

It would be interesting for astronauts to know and study all of the different kinds and dimensions of energies that a living being is exposed to in each possible location throughout the course of a day and night throughout a year. It could make life in space more comfortable to mimic and optimise that energy exposure on them.


20100915 Justin Coslor --- Molecules

Molecules might be like electronic components. Each has particular mathematical properties.


20100918 Justin Coslor --- Timeline Events

Are prime numbers related to timeline events? Is each day for each person a different timeline?


20100921 Justin Coslor -- Skills

Computer programming is liberating, it is like learning how to weld. Once I learned how to weld I felt like I could build anything.


2012???? Justin Coslor -- Skills

I have two skills: 1. Coming up with ideas, and 2. Making things simple.


2010-2021 Justin Coslor -- Progress

Start with something and make it better.


4/26/2012 Employment

If you find yourself treating anyone badly then you are in the wrong profession.


20100921 Justin Coslor --- Economics

Economics is like electronic circuits that push the dollar.


May 2012 -- Justin M Coslor -- The Three Uses For Computers

Computers do three things: 1. Information Storage, 2. Information Retrieval, and 3. Information Processing. Memory interconnection operations for mechanical thinking in an electric mind can happen by storing and grouping patterns in contexts. Knowledge representation can evolve from the dimensionalization of qualitative and quantitative variables.


20100924 Justin Coslor --- Thought

Thought is like the blueprint of a machine. Thought is like a record player needle exploring its universe.


20101002 Justin Coslor --- Reading

Sometimes when I read I notice every little sound or motion like time speeding up or slowing down. I notice the surface texture of the paper, the shape of each letter like a metaphoric pictogram, and the light passing through the half-turned page like a paper lantern.


20101005 Justin Coslor --- Bearing Idea

Invent a kind of metalurgical combination for use in bearings that has corrosion that lubricates the bearing.


20101005 Justin Coslor --- This Lifetime

After this lifetime it might be a long time before one has a body again. So people should do as much as they can in this lifetime in the body that they are born in.


20101006 Justin Coslor --- Equation Game

Make a computer game where you place three or more stones on intersection points on a grid or in a grid cage. Then the computer outputs an equation that represents a model of the stones' positional relationships. Make a randomized placement mode to watch the computer pattern match the stone relationship equations automatically, one configuration after another, and it could even be used as a computer screensaver.


20101006 Justin Coslor --- Computer Programming

Make a software that data mines subroutines and archives them into a formal library repository (similar to Andrew J. Dougherty's F.R.D.C.S.A. Formalized Research Database: Cluster Study Apply) so that to implement any of the subroutines in a software source code or something it need only have the person type in the inventory number of each subroutine like a list of syntactically parsed bar codes. Deep recursion could exist without having to re-invent the wheel. Each program composed of interconnected subroutines could also be stored as a single bar code reference number that represents a tree of reference numbers that could also be used as a super secret one-way encryption gate to hide subroutines and data possibly with the use of timelines. Not that it's worthwhile to hide anything.


2005 Justin Coslor --- Axiom 1

We are all naked before GOD.


20180920 Justin Coslor --- Axiom 2

GOD employs the spirit of Christ.




20101101 Justin Coslor --- Defense

Question: When does defense turn into offense?

Answer: When it treats anyone badly.


20101102 Justin M Coslor --- PICForm Control Structure for Search Engines

I had an idea recently about a control structure for PICForm (, and I was thinking that it could add some fine-grained epistemological control to forensic science, law, and library science, particularly when used in conjunction with the Dewey Decimal System. The PICForm control structure could also be used for the design of a computerized search engine. It goes something like this: ABC.DEF.GHI and could be recursive. Question marks replace any of the parts of it not used in a particular instance.

E is the cross-domain relation that relates context D to context F.

D is the context that pattern ABC is part of.

F is the context that pattern GHI is part of.

B is the word-sense-triangulation operator that relates variable A to variable C.

H is the word-sense-triangulation operator that relates variable G to variable I.

A is a qualitative variable. C is a quantitative variable.

G is a qualitative variable. I is a quantitative variable.

In ABC.DEF.GHI, E --> ABC : D :: GHI : F

PICForm is patterns in contexts formalized.

For formalized epistemological knowledge representation.


2/7/2011 Justin M Coslor -- Prime Number Representation

"Prime numbers are bridges that connect the Rational Number System to the Natural Number System."

It is possible to represent prime numbers in the manner of putting each decimal place along a perpendicular numberline like cubes of cubes, etc. For example, if we want to represent all two-digit prime numbers we can make the Y axis represent the least significant digit for 1 through 9 and the X axis can represent the second least significant digit for 0 through 9, and that way we can place a point at each XY intersection that represents a two-digit prime number, similar to a multiplication table. If we want to represent all three digit prime numbers we can make an XYZ grid like a stack of ten XY grids, such that the Z axis represents the third least significant digit. X = 0 through 9, Y = 0 through 9, Z = 0 through 9. A row of ten such XYZ cubes of prime points of intersection can represent the fourth least significant digit, and ten columns of ten rows of XYZ cubes can be used to represent all of the prime numbers that have five digits. An XYZ cube made of one-hundred XYZ cubes could represent all prime numbers up to six digits in length. That pattern can continue, or be programmed in terms of a multidimensional memory array.


6/6/2011 Justin Coslor -- Writing and Reading

Every stroke of the pen is the result of many ideas.

Writing connects people to the future.

Reading connects people to the past.


6/7/2011 Justin Coslor -- Brain Structure Interconnections

Brain structures seem to process information sent to them by other brain structures.


6/7/2011 Justin Coslor -- How matter turns into space

Is time the result of being pulled into a black hole? Does everything eventually fall into a black hole? Maybe matter turns into space by going through a black hole, or by being influenced by one or more of them (are they all part of the same subject)? Like unwinding a ball of yarn to make a measuring tape like a matrix line in a grid of potential for motion. There is only so much yarn. If space is like water, I guess the water is much deeper some places, and black holes might be like deep wells drilled in the bottom of the oceans. Black holes seem like shallow spots in time (where the present is very close to the beginning), from compressed space.


6/11/2011 Justin Coslor -- Warp Speed

I think black holes go back in time. Since black holes are able to pull light into them then they must be going faster than the speed of light. Perhaps there could be black holes within black holes like a series of faster and faster racetracks, each one like a unit of warp speed. What if something is going the speed of light relative to our timeline? What if something is going the speed of light relative to that timeline, and something going the speed of light relative to that timeline and so on? That might be like black holes within black holes, warp speed, similar to the inverse of decimals of decimals like exponents of exponents. Maybe an artificial wormhole such as from a spaceship-based particle accellerator could be opened up by a ship that is accellerating into a black hole, such that the wormhole could act as an escape route to escape from the black hole. The black hole would accellerate the ship to the speed of light and a black hole withing a black hole within a black hole and so on could accellerate the ship even faster, such that the ship goes way back in time to where objects in the Universe are much closer together, then it could escape the black holes by opening up an artificial worm hole to a place much farther in time where objects in the Universe are far apart, maybe even close to the timeline node where the ship started from though far across the Galaxy or Supercluster or farther, that would otherwise be unreachable by conventional point to point travel.


6/17/2011 Justin Coslor -- Wireless Computer Chip Interconnection

Maybe computers could be made such that instead of having the circuit chips connected together using hard wired circuit-board pathways, they could instead have the chips all wirelessly connected to each other and merely be plugged in to the appropriate power supplies and heat sink cooling devices. It would simplify a whole lot of complicated interconnection wiring, to do it all wirelessly.


6/17/2011 Justin Coslor -- PICLatin

PICForm could be like speaking in Latin & Greek epistemologically to speak in terms of scientific definitions of what is, rather than speaking with words that only represent what things are called. It could be good for both people and computers.


6/21/2011 Justin Coslor -- PICVis International Math Symbol Grid

An early PICVis application could be one that archives and translates math symbols and math-related pictograms in every language on Earth.


6/28/2011 Justin Coslor -- Unknowable

When something is unknowable it might not always stay the same and may be changing behind the scenes.


7/2/2011 Justin Coslor -- Time Physics

Imagine the wand of a standard rotary clock wrist watch that represents the passing of seconds. The tip of that wand travels a farther distance per second than the part of the wand near the center pin, so therefore it travels at a faster speed. Speed is distance traveled per second. So imagine a larger clock in which the seconds wand was extended to the size of a house. The tip of it would travel much farther per second than the tip of the seconds wand of a wristwatch, and so would therefore be traveling at a much faster speed. Now imagine a clock so astronomically big that the tip of the seconds wand would be going the speed of light. Perhaps a laser beam could be used for the seconds wand of such a clock. What would happen before, at, and farther out than that light speed distance on the seconds wand of the laser clock in terms of physics?


8/24/2011 Justin Coslor

Prime Tagging

(Data Compression By Prime Tag Substitution, Optimized by Offset Tags)

Ths is about Prime to Prime Tag Substitution as a form of Data Compression. I thought of this in the laundrymat in July 2011. I looked it up afterwards on the internet and it looks like someone posted an article on it in 2005. Is it valid (does it really work?)? It seems like prime numbers would be much larger than their tag numbers when dealing with large prime numbers, and a computer hard drive could be represented by one big number. To make the prime ordering tag substitution efficient, the tags could be offset by however many, such as having the first prime number tag represent the 1,000,000th prime number and the second tag represent the 1,000,001th prime number and the third tag represent the 1,000,002th prime number, etc, to skip over the first howevermany small prime numbers whose tags are not small enough by comparison with the prime numbers they represent to be helpful for use in data compression by prime tag substitution. For instance, in converting the huge number that represents a file or hard drive into a smaller representation, each prime number tag substitution could be prefixed by a "p" and suffixed by another "p" if followed by another prime tag substitution or suffixed by a comma (",") if followed by a regular block of numbers, and sequences of regular blocks of numbers can be separated by commas. Also, multiple kinds of data compression could be implemented one after another to squeeze the bits even farther, and prime tagging in some cases might be able to be done recursively over and over again until the simplification complexity limits are reached.


20111009 Coslor, Justin M. -- Visualizing Work and the Cosine of Zero

Here is how to visualize the equation depicting "Work" in terms of Sine Spiral Graphing. Work = Force * Distance * Cosine of Zero. Cosine of zero = 1 -- and since Cosine is a top view of a spiral, Cosine of zero equals 1 when triangulated in the Unit Circle (the front view of a spiral) means adjacent over hypotenuse (i.e. 1/1 in this case, which equals cosine of zero), so from the front view of a potential spiral, cosine of zero means that the front view is a straight horizontal line (in the X axis) through the origin at the same height (Y=height) as time elapses (Z=time elapsed). So Cosine of Zero is a how to say motion through time at the same height, such as motion at ground level or motion at sea level. That is a physics application of trigonometry.


5/27/2012 Supernatural Events

When you zoom way in on something farther and farther as it is dividing, when the one object becomes two objects it increments the census count and that is a supernatural event. There are many other supernatural events as well.


5/27/2012 Approximation Words

None for all intents and purposes, practically none, just about none, hardly any, partially, somewhat, almost one, about one, multiple, a few, some, several, many, a lot, way too many, *all that and a bag of chips.

*Someone else thought of that one, I think I heard it from my sister, Erica.


5/26/2012 Honesty and Trust

Honesty is a sign of respect. Trust begins with honesty. For every decision there must be reason*s* because there are many reasons for everything. Even beliefs are decisions, including beliefs about priority systems, and methodology.


5/2/2012 Forgiveness and Kindness

Forgiveness is based on trust. Trust is based on honesty. Honesty is a sign of respect. Kindness is a sign of dignity when it is honest and expecting nothing in return. Trust @ Forgiveness. Honesty @ Trust. Respect @ Honesty. Therefore Respect @ Honesty @ Trust @ Forgiveness = Kindness @ Acceptance


5/1/2012 Simplified Season Calendar

. 06 . 07 . 08 . = Summer

. 09 . 10 . 11 . = Fall

. 12 . 01 . 02 . = Winter

. 03 . 04 . 05 . = Spring


5/2/2012 Portrait Drawing Tip

When drawing a portrait of someone, imagine what they are looking at and/or thinking about.



5/8/2012 JMC -- EMF Shielding

Instead of lead to shield people and equipment from various radiation such as EMF and X-Rays and Alpha Particles, perhaps a much less toxic and lighter material could be used that is made out of a combination of ferramagnetic and paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials?


5/27-28/2012 JMC -- Half Tax

I like the idea of a half tax where everything costs twice as much and half of it goes to tax to fund the government infrastructure. It seems like there would be far less nonsense and non-essential brickabrack that way, and everything would be excrutiatingly quite nice for everyone. Also there should be a donation program where people can donate to the food stamp program to help feed poor people without risk of it going to bureaucrats or drugs/alcohol/firearms/gambling/offshore-bank-accounts.


5/28/2012 Justin Coslor -- Fear

If you ever are afraid, or in some way experience fear, it means that someone has treated you badly, and that is against the basis of law.


11/9/2012 Justin Coslor -- New Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers are always prime and are never non-prime. Prime numbers are the only numers that are prime. The midpoints between sequential prime numbers are never prime because they are between sequential prime numbers and there are no prime numbers between any sequential prime numbers. 11/15/2012 Justin Coslor -- All nonprime numbers greater than one are between sequential prime numbers.


11/9/2012 Justin M Coslor -- Sequential Prime Number Neighborhood Midpoint Pair Distances

Prime Number Neighborhood Midpoints (PNNMs) are never prime but they are each related to the prime numbers around them on each side. Relating the distance D from one PNNM to the PNNM that comes next after it is therefore a way to relate three sequential prime numbers.


11/12/2012 Justin Coslor -- What three numbers can make a triangle?

At first I thought that any three numbers could be used to represent the sides of a triangle, however today I realized that that is not true. I need to learn which combinations of whole numbers can be turned into a triangle (using the numbers as the side lengths), and a way to represent that succintly. For example for any number, three of that number can be used as the side lengths for a triangle, and in that case it makes an equiangled triangle. So maybe there is a way to average the three numbers and then ask if two or more sides are smaller or equal to that average or something, I have not tested this yet but I expect that there is some kind of solution to the question of when three numbers can be used to make a triangle. For right triangles Pythagoras proved that if the three sides are A, B, and C, that if A^2 + B^2 = C^2 then they do form a triangle, and that triangle is a right triangle. But what about numbers that can be used as side lengths in the formation of non-right triangles? I guess any non-right triangle can be turned into two right triangles that are side by side, such that both are smaller than the original triangle. So I guess that is a solvable problem. Also, the solution needs to be accurate for whole numbers, fractions, and decimal numbers. It would be interesting if there was some way to relate prime numbers and triangles somehow, both are very interesting to me.


10/30/2012 Justin Coslor -- The ordering of primes that build on primes, in various bases, when listed in reverse.

Look up a list of prime numbers online, then convert each to a binary number then rearrange every binary prime from smallest bit to largest bit, then put a mark by each reverse binary prime that exists along the same strand such that if different strands have more than two reverse binary primes along them label them mathematically as being along different strands, make a diagram of strands to see how far the patterns extend. Some primes might be skipped. Many strands might hold common primes, one at each branch. Also try this for different bases such as tertiary and octal and decimal and hexidecimal, to see if different prime orderings occur, from one base compared to another, of primes that build apon other primes, when listed in reverse, and the empirical hierarchy of strands where the sequences branch out, in each base.

10/30/2012 Justin Coslor -- Letter substitution of numbers in the first twenty five or so whole number bases.

To avoid confusion in different bases use sequential letters in the alphabet instead of numbers, such as for base three use "A, B, C" instead of "1, 2, 3.", but listed in reverse such that the smallest place value trigit would be listed first, followed by the second smallest trigit, etc, ending in the largest place value trigit, i.e. 3^0 first, 3^1 second, 3^2 third, 3^3 fourth, 3^4 fifth, etc. In binary 2^0 first, 2^1 second, 2^2 third, 2^3 fourth, 2^4 fifth, etc. In decimal, 10^0 first, 10^1 second, 10^2 third, 10^3 fourth, etc. In decimal we normally list numbers from greatest digit to smallest digit instead of from smallest digit to largest digit, but by listing from smallest to largest we can clearly see which prime numbers build apon the digits of previous prime numbers. This thought occured to me in October 2012, or maybe September 2012.

11/15/2012 Justin Coslor -- Primes listed hierarchically by base.

Base 10 will have ten branch point possibilities for each digit node, base 2 will have two branch point possibilities per binary bit node, base 3 will have three possibilities per tertiary node, etc. where the nodes are exponents listed from smallest exponent node to largest exponent node, hierarchically, with a prime hierarchy diagram of each base. I want to compose a gigantic diagram of this distribution of prime numbers along hierarchical strand node branches in each base, where the prime numbers are each listed in reverse from smallest exponent placeholder to largest exponent placeholder in each base.

11/15/2012 Justin Coslor -- Triangles made of primes.

Also I want to make a list of triangles that can be made out of three different prime numbers, and another list of triangles that can be made out of two equal prime numbers and one different prime number; where the prime numbers each represent the triangle side lengths. Andy Dougherty (of FRDCSA) said that for potential triangle side lenghts [A, B, C] that a triangle can be formed if the sum of two sides is greater than the length of the third side from all three side perspectives. We could use that formula in a computer program to generate a list of triangles whose sides can be made out of prime numbers. Of course if all three sides are the same, for any number, an equilateral triangle can be formed; and if a triangle can be formed when two sides are the same then an isosceles triangle can be formed; and if a triangle can be formed when all three sides are of different lengths a scalene triangle can be formed. I am most interested in generating a list of scalene and isosceles triangles whose sides are all prime numbers.

11/20/2012 Justin Coslor -- Right Triangle Breakdowns of Prime Triangles

Every isosceles and scalene triangle can be broken down into two adjacent right triangles, and those right triangles can each be broken down into two adjacent right triangles and so on infinitely, such that 2^n triangles can be generated from any isosceles or scalene triangle whose parts have each been subdivided into right triangles n levels deep. Topologies and tomographies can be represented as net-like wire-frame meshes made out of interconnected triangles, such that the smaller the triangles are the higher the image accuracy resolution can be; and that would be an application for the list (or source code algorithm of the list) that I want to generate, which could be referenced as a hash table or subroutine library to speed up map computations and virtual reality visualization systems, because in a system made of triangles -- what is more foundational than triangles made of prime numbers or right angle triangles made of subdivisions of prime number triangles? Astronomy visualization might be another application of this.





From color comes shape,

and from shape comes size,

we triangulate images

that come into our eyes.

Justin M Coslor 1999


"Helix Orbit"

A circle or sphere,

a spiral of sound:

pi is the reciprocal

of across to around.

Pi is approximately 3.14 double radians

{curved diameters} around the circumference

of a circle.

10/30/2009 Justin Coslor


"Sine Spiral Graphing"

Side to side,

up over and down,

as time passes through,

around sum, set, and noun.

Like the Sun and the Moon,

beyond Earth through the sky,

the energy spirals,

Sine : Cosine :: and Pi.

Justin M Coslor 2/12/2013


"Reasoning Engines"

1. Knowledge as patterns in contexts.

2. Thinking as storing and grouping knowledge.

Justin M Coslor 9/21/2001


"Mathematical Patterns"

Another way to say "Mathematical Patterns" is

"Numbered Overlap". Mathematics is all about

reverse engineering the realities that we live in

and that of "possibility space".

Justin M Coslor 2013


"Update to the Dewey Decimal System"

The categories of the Dewey Decimal System

for library books and email sorting can each be

replaced with a unique odd prime number, all

multiplied together for meaninful prime topic

factoring; and if the work is fiction its composite

will be an even number.

Justin M Coslor 2013


PICForm is similar to the game "20 Questions." Java is similar to that too, but it can be programmed in Perl. Object Oriented Programming goes from general to specific like set theory hierarchies of classes and subroutines. PICForm follows this framework:

Priorities -> Intentions -> Context -> Patterns -> Variables -> Dimensions

Question Networks are useful in mapping this for Knowledge Representation based Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Software.

We could start out by writing about ten lines of code for PICForm.

(Note: Aspects are just like adjectives (descriptive words) for each level of the tree. The whole system can be based on 10 lines of code:

(1) Priorities
(2) Intentions
(3) Context
(4) Patterns
(5) Variables
(6) Dimensions
(7) Possibility Space
(A) Formatting/Processing/Syntax
(B) Glossary of Definitions
(C) Iterative Relations.

Justin M Coslor 11/23/2013


A.I. needs:
a language,
a purpose,
and tools to do things with.

Such as for thinking about knowledge by storing and grouping patterns in contexts.

Justin M Coslor 11/25/2013


Copyright 2005-2021 Justin M Coslor


email j u s t i n c o s l o r at g m a i l . c o m


Miscellaneous Ideas (note, many of my ideas are just thoughts like prototypes):





08/19/2020 Justin Coslor -- How to cure herpes virus --
I had cold sores on the corners of my mouth and I rubbed the fruit of a
banana on them and they seemed to heal rapidly and were soothed by that.
What if that could heal all forms of herpes? I also read online that
bananas have lysine in them which counteracts arginine that can cause
cold sores, and they said that a high dose of lysine can heal cold
sores. Also, many years ago my Dad discovered that canned green beans
(+ the water from the can) rapidly heals canker sores in the mouth. Maybe
it is from zinc and salt?


Fall 2021 -- If you have someone to talk to you are pretty safe.


Sayings Part II 119 KB
Sayings Part III 301 KB




Truth does not always come before its understanding.

To know truth we often need to know the questions that it came from.

We are surrounded by answers but if we do not know that questions to ask or who to ask if we are unable to figure it out on our own, then we might not know much truth at all or how to help people by solving their problems. My best friend who started the FRDCSA wrote: "Who's problems are you solving today?"

Sometimes we need to understand what happened before a truth
that is new to us can be arrived at.

Sometimes truth happens directly and its meaning helps us to understand
something. It is often important to understand something before applying it.


Sometimes people are in a different phase or mode of their life and sometimes people change their minds and sometimes people forget.


There are many reasons for everything because no truth exists alone.


Review -- Patterns -- A pattern can be anything recognizable or for that matter anything noticable or detectable, and it can be from symmetry or numbered overlap or repetition or metaphoric or a system of elements based on other systems of elements. Computers are hardware that parse software that contain systems of informal patterns in contexts formalized. 7/26/2021 review -- Memory -- A computer hard drive for its contents can be represented by one giant number that is parsed and interconnected.



Light can travel through light without changing its color such as through a transparent crystal lattice row, then when the two colors of polarized white laser light that have passed through two colored prisms such as a blue one making shades of blue at different spectrum row positions and polarized white laser light traveling through a yellow prism making shades of yellow at different spectrum row positions then the blue spectrum rows would intersect the yellow spectrum rows at the surface of the six sided transparent crystal with three opposing input to output sides at crystal side diameter equal to how many three moment sequences of pulse and pause bits produce a one bit and a zero bit being qualitative arithmetic logic syntax and operator binary three momenet sequence bit stream of an ordered binary symbol map would be parallel processing spectrums of green light going through the crystal with as many three part bits as can be time transmitted through the crystal as a delayed reaction in an optical loop of infinite memory instantaneous with backup crystals as time sequenced three moment producing bits of qualitative category one as pulse pause pause and zero as pause pulse pulse in green light diagonal crystal lattice row bits for each spectrum row of parallel symbol bit steams, and the second category of two diagonal sides of the six sided transparent crystal lattice rows would each contain a bit stream of different shades of light of the color of combining red light with cyan light to make a data semantic bit streams of quantity ones and zeros to put after syntax bitstreams each terminating with a compute bit such that the data semantic one bit would be pulse pulse pause and the data semantic zero bit would be pause pause pulse and the compute category crystal rows of color spectrums would have one as pulse pulse pulse and zero as pause pause pause all in spectrum rows of the color combination of white light through a green prism + a magenta prism, and for a simple logical or mathematical operation there would be a compute sequence binary number operation symbol followed by a syntax symbol followed by a semantic data sequence of symbols made of sequential bits followed by a compute bit sequence followed by an mathematical or logical operator symbol made of bits such as a plus or a minus or a multiplication or a division or an exponent or a set intersection or a set union or an AND or an OR or a NOT or some other logical or mathematical operator symbol followed by a compute symbol followed by a qualitative equal sign symbol or colon input to output or colon numerator to divisor ratio or a double colon metaphor context in or a double colon metaphor context out followed by a compute symbol followed by a control unit comput symbol to run it through the PICFORM-MAN.txt tree structure and a compute compute could do something else and a compute compute compute would change it from program write mode with edit features for splicing and a compute compute compute again would put it in program run mode and compute compute compute compute would put the computer in offline mode and a compute compute compute compute would put the computer in online mode and there can be many other features including communications networks and databases of directories or files of picform tree topic objects for splicing and saving interconnected ideas across multiple files and there can be many other possibilities for features. The polarized parallel rows of white laser light going through the colored crystals combine in shades of the crystal colors and the colors of light combine at the crystal lattice row outer surface and that combined color photon travels through the six sided crystal lattices in straight lines from lattice to lattice in parallel spectrum rows of sequence bits as the photon combination of two colors in three diagonal categories simultaneously with backup crystals going simultaneously in case one or more failed or needed to be replaced or adjusted. Maybe a six sided transparent crystal would make this possibility a reality. For a laser rangefinder a white light going through a transparent crystal would produce a spectrum of colors each at a different angle to the corner of the prism and would combine with a colored laser beam that is perpendicular to the object in front of it and the distance to the object would be the adjacent side length to the corner of the prism times the angle of the color spectrum at that corner perpendicularly equal to the opposite side as the distance to the object in front of it to calculate the distance to an object ahead with no moving parts other than photons. That is a laser rangefinder idea that I had when I was fifteen or sixteen that I revised into this no moving parts version. Originally it was to form a green dot where the blue moving laser angle intersected with the yellow moving laser angle using the tangent function in trigonometry of tangent angle equals opposite side distance ahead divided by the adjacent side length to the corner of the triangle.


To order copies of the books that I have written in print or electronic format visit search Justin Coslor -- Bulk orders in print are preferrable, but there is no shipping and handling fee in electronic format. It can be used as a reference book and as a textbook for students. Please realize that some of the text and diagrams/photos have errors and omissions but they are designed to inspire people and to build strong foundations of understanding and designs to form into conceptual frameworks. It is my hope that through publishing my life's work and making it available to others that my efforts will improve other peoples lives. Justin Coslor My photos have changed a lot over the years as have my abilities but rest assured that I am still out here doing the best that I can to make a difference. My disabilities make me who I am and I am thankful for the help that I receive. Think of me as differently abled and that I do care and encourage and try to see the best in each person that I encounter and I encourage you all to do the same and to help one another and to not give up on anyone, especially those who are in difficult situations, so place each other in good situations along the way and carry on. I know that we can do this and I trust that helpfulness prevails.



We can look for ways of preventing competition behavior without an opponent versus opponent model in such a way that does not treat anyone badly. Competition behavior is the downfall of ever so many people and resources. We must encourage each other to do things together. To do so we can all agree to play nicely and cease and desist from opposition behavior and do so. We must not allow any rule based system to cause us to consent to treating each other badly, and we must not convince ourselves that anything good can ever come from cruelty.


In regard to my ethics question of "How do we keep people from treating each other badly without competition behavior?" It is important to note that beliefs do not give a person the right to treat any other person badly. My best friend looked for an answer and told me that first there is a need, then there is anxiety, then sometimes there is conflict, a situation that needs to be resolved. All mistakes come from short-term thinking and we all make mistakes, so remember that no one is the sum of their mistakes. There is a procedure for everything, and anything can be resolved.



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